want to change relationship with food!

Hi, my names Helen

I have been over weight for years apart from when my daughter was little. I guess it was all the running around kept me fit. However the years have gone by, and daughter is now 16. I want her to see her mum making good food choices.

I work full time as a teaching assistant at a school. I am also doing an open uni psychology degree. I am married and have one daughter.

My relationship with food is not good, emotional eater, usually stress and boredom are the triggers for me. However hoping to smash it this time and lose the weight ( especially my muffin top) I am three stone over weight.

I have joined to make new weight loss friends. Good luck everyone!

Helen xx


  • cakenedith2
    cakenedith2 Posts: 72 Member
    I also struggle with emotional eating/binging---it's so hard to break because it goes deep within us. I read Geneen Roth's book, "Breaking free from emotional eating" and follow her website/blog and it's simply incredible. I highly recommend this book to anyone who struggles with emotional eating. if you'd like, please add me as your friend:)
  • fifty6ford
    fifty6ford Posts: 59 Member
    I too am an emotional eater. Thanks cakenedith2 for sharing about the book.
  • fitness4life78
    We'll help you out!
  • hellywelly14
    hellywelly14 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for that information, it certainly does go deep, can relate. I think it's an addiction in some ways, as we become dependant on refined sugars, Carbs, ect. I am finding MFP really good as keeps me focus. Furthermore it's fantastic that we are supporting and motivating one another x