Cold hip's ache

I'm 41 yrs. old with varicose veins and yes a smoker. It's in my plans to quit soon.
So it's 69 degrees today and my outer hips are aching. Anyone else have this issue after weight loss? Last time I lost weight I had to start wearing tights under my jeans that seemed to help though I wouldn't think 69 degrees would start this up. I'm a side sleeper so I tend to toss and turn at night ( with 2 pillows between my knees). I still managed to go workout today. Any recommendations? I do get adjustments regularly from my chiropractor. Thinking it's arthritis. :(


  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I'm 41 yrs. old with varicose veins and yes a smoker. It's in my plans to quit soon.
    So it's 69 degrees today and my outer hips are aching. Anyone else have this issue after weight loss? Last time I lost weight I had to start wearing tights under my jeans that seemed to help though I wouldn't think 69 degrees would start this up. I'm a side sleeper so I tend to toss and turn at night ( with 2 pillows between my knees). I still managed to go workout today. Any recommendations? I do get adjustments regularly from my chiropractor. Thinking it's arthritis. :(

    I am not a doctor, but my arthritis hurts deeper in the joint, not really in my outer hip. I have found that the lower the barometric pressure, the more the pain. It's not really the temperature. I am not saying that is the only presentation for an arthritic hip, just my experience. You may also have a slightly strained piriformis muscle, which happened to my friend Alice. That's a small muscle that connects the top of your outer femur (not the ball of your hip joint) to your sacrum. If the pain radiates down your leg, that could be the piriformis putting pressure on your sciatic nerve. Either way, I would get it checked out if it gets worse or continues for more than a couple of weeks.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Thanks for the reply. Still not sure what it is. Heat seems to give me some relief. I have had sciatic before; not shooting pains down the legs this time or that weird catch feeling in the buttocks. Not sore to the touch just kind of aches and uncomfortable on both sides.