Brisk Walking Diabetic whilst in Ketosis


Newbie looking for advice.

I am 44, male, weigh 300lbs and Type 2 diabetic with pronounced peripheral neuropathy in my feet.

Over the last couple of years have tried dieting/exercise off and on.

I did get to the stage where I was walking 5km on the treadmill every morning and my feet never felt better!! BUT in order to do that my fasting blood sugar had to be around 7 (126) or I would get hypoglycemic during exercise.

I am planning to start walking again, NOT for weight loss but to improve my circulation and the neuropathy. Now however, I am in ketosis and my fasting blood sugar is at 6 and I am able to maintain tight glycemic control throughout the day, which is great!!

Question is, what happens when I start walking 30-90 minutes every morning??

Has anyone with a similar background been through this?

Feedback greatly appreciated!! Have a good day.


  • msmi1970
    msmi1970 Posts: 60 Member
    anyone? feedback greatly appreciated.
  • GlucernaBrand
    This is a really good question to discuss with your doctor to make sure that your blood sugar is in a safe range so that you can exercise. Everyone is different, and a lot depends on any medications you take plus when you're eating in regards to exercising. ~Lynn /Glucerna
  • msmi1970
    msmi1970 Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks for responding Lynn. It was actually his idea for me to start exercising again. :smile:

    He is not entirely convinced about my LCHF/ketosis approach. However, he is keeping an open mind to see if it works for me and will be monitoring my blood results regularly.

    I am being a little cautious having been through hypo periods when doing prolonged walking, before learning to adjust my BG. I just wonder how my body will react in ketosis and if the "hypo" issue becomes irrelevant.