Introduction: Trying to stay accountable

I feel like every single new years I have made the resolution to lose weight and it never happens. I work on it for about 3 days, I find the potato salad and then BOOM back to the normal habit. I have never been "skinny" or "fit" and to be honest I do't think I've ever put in the conscious effort to really try, until now.

Finally, this year my boyfriend has decided to push me into actually doing it. I started counting calories earlier this year to lose weight so we can go skydiving since there is a weight limit. Sad to say, I only lost about 4 lbs in the month that I "tried" and he had to pay $1 EXTRA per lb that I was over the limit. I was mortified.

Long story short, this is my 2nd time around with mfp but my first time actually trying and putting in the effort.3rd week in eating about 1350 calories a day, doing insanity 5 or 6 days a week and having only 1 "cheat" day. So far, about 10 lbs down and insanity is getting a little easier to do. My goal is to run a 1/2 marathon with my father (who has run 5 full marathons) in January!

.I'm determined this time time around but I am finding it hard to stay on top of things by myself.
