Thinking about joining a gym?



  • summer92008
    Options some questions.

    I've talked to a few people about it since last night and it's raised a few questions.

    Some people say I don't need to waste money on a gym and to just buy some weights and do it at home. Thoughts or opinions?
    I'm not going to the gym for social motivation, that's for sure. If I could go without ever being seen or spoken to, that would be ideal lol. I'm very much an introvert. I planned on going to the gym just for the equipment.

    Should I eat at a deficit while doing this? I'm going between maintenance calories/deficit calories right now depending on the week or so. I'm kind of in an "off season" between my last 10 lbs lost and the 10 lbs I wanna lose.

    When or if I reach the body that I want, then what? How do I maintain it? Do I just do it less or what?

    I'm pretty confused on all of this to be honest. A couple weeks back I was into just learning how to properly jog and thought that that would pull the excess weight off, help shape up my legs and possibly my stomach a little, and help improve my cardio. But now, I don't know if that's better or lifting?

    Like I said, I'm just really confused lol. All I know is that I'd like to make me belly a little smaller, in the terms of removing the small excess layer of fat and making my belly flat, not muscular. I want it to look nice and not jiggle, but I'm not aiming for a six pack in any way.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Lift at a deficit. I'd say sign up to the gym still. Try out the equipment. If after a few months you're in love with lifting, maybe the make the switch to buying home equipment.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    If you still want to lose weight, lift at the deficit. In terms of once you reach your goal, I'm not the one to ask because I'm still so far. You might end up really loving lifting and continuously working on your body forever. You could buy weights but you'll need to keep buying higher weights in order to train your body.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    A gym is cheaper. All the equipment you would need for a home gym is ridiculous...and before anyway tries to tell me I'm wrong, I tried it, I outgrew my home gym very quickly. I needed a squat or power rack, a set of dumbbells, a barbell, a full set of plates, multiple 45's, 35's, 25's, 10's, and 5's. I would need a bench, I already have a pull up bar...and if I had all that, I could do it. But, you're looking at about $5,000, maybe more. Plus, I need the space. I don't have it. Not for all that. My gym membership is $35/mo. That means it would take 143 months to break even...that's 12 years. No thanks. I'll just go to the gym. Plus, at the gym, I have more than that. On my cardio days, I can do spinning, and use all the cardio stuff, such as bikes, rowing machines, elliptical, treadmill, etc. They have a pool, sauna, and steam room. It's a great deal that I have, so I vote for a gym. Plus, they keep things up and maintained.

    in addition to all that, the gym is kind of motivating. Working at home gets a little boring at times. I'm very introverted also. I don't talk to people or anything, but just getting out of the house is nice sometimes. If my gym was at home, I'd never leave my house on the weekends.

    Yeah everything he said.