Hi I'm NEW

Hi there :) I'm new to MFP! a little about myself.. I'm Steph, currently on my gap year before I start med school in March next year. My goal is to lose 17 kgs to get to the lower end of a healthy BMI, a goal that will make me feel most comfy with myself :)

What I regret most is not staying in shape during high school and everything, because that led to me feeling uncomfortable and a little reluctant to go to social events and everything. Now that I got into uni, my next goal (should've been a goal in conjunction with uni but anyways), is to get fit, slim and healthy! :D
So I've always been active in my life, but because I love food so much all my efforts go to waste. :(
Sooooo I'm here to start my fat loss journey and it would be awesome if you could add me as a friend! :) I promise to post regularly :P