Trying to repair and understand my bad week



  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    Thank you Jessica!
  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    I have not been as thin as you since I was about 13 years old but I do know a thing or 2 about sabotaging myself. I have done it for years and especially when I get close to my goal weight. I have also learned that maintaining is the hardest thing of all. You have to be just as mindful of what you are eating as you are when shedding pounds. track what you are doing and see if you can have cake once twice or even 7 days a week. don't beat yourself up if your weight fluctuates but try to keep it within a 5 lb range (even weight watchers allows that for life time members). You seem to be within that 5 lb range now so I say "KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK"