Apple cider vinegar



  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
  • Ludka13
    Ludka13 Posts: 136 Member
    ACV makes my heartburn even worse.
  • bakemma
    bakemma Posts: 161 Member
    I had to take it before I had surgery once because my physician prescribed it. He said it helps "detoxify" the liver thereby shrinking slightly and enlarged liver. He said if I couldn't stand ACV then Lemon juice would do the same thing... I did it because I was told to, but I don't know if it helped.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I like to make a gastrique with it, and have it over pork loin.
  • Scarecrowsama
    Scarecrowsama Posts: 85 Member
    robindina wrote: »
    I read online (I know a very dangerous thing to do) but I saw that it had many health benefits including higher energy and relief from allergies. Just curious who actually drinks this and if you noticed any improvements? I'm not wanting a miracle elixir, I'm looking for something natural to help with allergy relief and fatigue and if it helps with weight loss all the better.

    Apple Cider Vinegar is awesome, but not any kind, you know what I mean. You need to get unfiltered and raw, there is brand called Braggs which makes the perfect one.

    You do not need to abuse, but it is definitely an ingredient that you can consume often and yes it is indeed have so many benefits. It is helping me quite a lot with my Candida overgrowth.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    robindina wrote: »
    I read online (I know a very dangerous thing to do) but I saw that it had many health benefits including higher energy and relief from allergies. Just curious who actually drinks this and if you noticed any improvements? I'm not wanting a miracle elixir, I'm looking for something natural to help with allergy relief and fatigue and if it helps with weight loss all the better.

    Apple Cider Vinegar is awesome, but not any kind, you know what I mean. You need to get unfiltered and raw, there is brand called Braggs which makes the perfect one.

    You do not need to abuse, but it is definitely an ingredient that you can consume often and yes it is indeed have so many benefits. It is helping me quite a lot with my Candida overgrowth.
    Yeh, no such thing. Made up by naturopaths.

  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    Does it count if I use apple cider vinegar to kill fruit flies? ;)

    But all honestly, very doubtful the benefits (if any) of drinking it would be enough to actually make a difference.
  • francihm
    francihm Posts: 4 Member
    I drink 2 tablespoons a day and have used it as a toner for years on my face. It works great and is natural. It really helps with digestion, gives you shiny hair, and keeps my acne under control because it kills bacteria on the face and body, If I have a sore throat coming it helps shorten it and the pain is much less once I start taking it. It is worth a try. Next time you have a pimple, take a q-tip and dip it into the ACV, dab it on the pimple and watch it come to a white head. You can then squeeze it just barely without causing scarring, it heals in half the time. We use it on any skin lesion. It works!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    ... that's not how this works. That not how any of this works.
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Apple cider vinegar has some health benefits in moderate amounts. It helps with yeast infections if you drink it regularly and can also help if used in a bath soak. I've heard it does help with PH balance for women. The acid is good for the skin as it encourages skin replacement and can kill some bacteria on the skin and in the pores. However, it will not work the same for everyone as everyone's body is different. I haven't read or heard anything about it being used in place of antihistamine but I guess it couldn't hurt to try.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Science has shown the value.
    We all know, if you drink ACV, it's only healthy with the mother because it will acidify the basal alkalinity of your ongoing acidosis, thereby regulating PH activation within the subinteric gimliac system.

    However, as a previous poster mentioned, it doesn't work the same for everyone, as everyone's z-95 receptors are different.
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    I sneaked some into Chloe's cat food this morning. Now she is a sourpuss.