Time for a change

ifeelsqueaky Posts: 193
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone!

I've been using MyFitnessPal for a while now but if I'm honest I wasn't really treating it too seriously. Lately I've been feeling worse and worse and as my stomach is getting bigger, moving around is getting more difficult and my clothes are getting much tighter. I'm starting to hate clothes shopping again when this wasn't really a problem before :(

I think Christmas was the turning point for me as I went to my boyfriend's parents house and all we did was eat and sit. It made me feel awful - I felt so unfit and lazy and generally unhealthy. So I am determined to start eating more healthily (lots of fruit and veg), drink more water and eat less junk. However I'm not going to cut my favourites out completely as I find that just makes me have issues with bingeing and feeling guilty when I eat chocolate.

I've lost weight before (two stone) through Weight Watchers but I am determined to do it myself this time - some support would be great as that's the thing I've found I've really missed when doing this myself before. I'll be happy to lend support to others too of course - hopefully this marks the first of many posts on the message boards :)

Let's hope my double chin does a disappearing act in 2011!



  • I wish you much luck! Make your new year a year you want it to be! :-)
  • you can do it!
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    I am a chocoholic. I joined mfp the end of august. The only way I can stay on track is to have a chocolate day once a week. On this day I have either chocolate cheerios or chocolate mini wheat for breakfast, and a hersheys with almonds candy bar later in the afternoon. That way I don't go bonkers from depriving myself something I really like. The trick is to make sure my total calorie intake is below my recommended amount. If I go over, I just make sure my exercize calories cover me. Having chocolate day once a week has helped to stay on track. It's all about portion control. So far I've lost 41 pounds... I believe that's almost 3 stones. I wish you luck.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    2011 is a new year.You can start taking care of yourself!!you can do it.Lots of support on this website.
    You can do whatever you put your mind too.
    Good luck!
  • jtfish112
    jtfish112 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi there! It sounds like you're getting a good start just by telling us that you're ready to do this again. I can relate as I lost 50 lbs with WW several years ago and now I'm trying to do it all over again! Be sure to track what you eat, because when you don't you are probably eating more than you should be. Activity is a huge factor also. Not only will it help you lose weight, but it can boost your confidence and attitude as well. With a higher self-confidence and better attitude, dieting isn't so hard :).

    Good luck to you!
  • Thanks for the tips everyone! The chocolate day thing is a brilliant idea though I'm not sure I could limit myself to just one day ;) I think I will just work in some lower calorie chocolate alternatives - I guess chocolate cereal is a good start. I was thinking about this the other day and I think the best part of Weight Watchers wasn't the diet itself but the support group you have at each meeting - if you had a bad week then you could be pretty sure there would be someone else there who would be able share your experiences. I am hoping that by posting in the message boards on MFP I will be able to get the same kind of support network - everyone here seems very nice so far!

    Feel free to add me as a friend and keep in touch :)
  • keky389
    keky389 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I feel the same exact way!!!! . I'm 21 years old. I joined myfitnesspal a few months back and I loved it! it really helped me keep my calories on track and I managed to lose a couple of pounds. However about three months into using the site I fell of track and its been three months that I haven't been on the site. Well it's a new Year 2011 and I recently just graduated college this december and I decided that 2011 I'm starting fresh and I am going to go all the way this year. Everytime I set weight loss goals for myself I never meet them. Year after year I say I'm going to but I some how get discouraged and I never get to where I want to be.. This year it's all going to change! so Im back on myfitnesspal and would like to make many friends on here so that we can help eachother get there!.. A little support and encouragement goes a long wayyyyy! add me :) & Happy Newyear!
  • Hi everyone ready to get serious and lose all the extras
  • Hi Alexys, glad to hear it - we'll keep it up this time for sure! :happy:

    Me too Davida2 and welcome to the message boards!
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