Protein Question

I am currently on the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred program. Not looking at loosing weight more like toning up (getting rid of mid and back section fat as well as flabbyness). My question is, how much impact does a single daily protein shake have? Is it worth repurchasing?

I am currently taking a single scoop of Nectar Syntrax (23 gr protein p/scoop).


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    about the same effect as eating 23 grams of protein from real food
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Not really sure what you mean in your question. I wouldn't take more than one scoop per day, and do not combine with a protein bar. The difference between the protein shake and food is it's hard to get so much protein without calories sugar and carbs from food. I use Giant Sports Delicious Protein- Vanilla. I just put it in a blender with water and ice.

    Not sure what your protein goal is but you should aim for 1 gram per pound of lean body mass. You will have to google for that formula but for me I am about 140 and it's just over 100 grams per day. I have to work at hitting it, thus the protein shake. MFP only sets you up for like 50-70 grams so if you haven't customized your macros yet look into it.
  • Justarcy
    Justarcy Posts: 93 Member
    I'm 5'6 and weigh 54kg about 120 lbs

    I take the protein shakes to assist me in loosing body fat and tone up. I'll take the shake immediately after my workout. Syntrax Nectar has different flavors, I take cappuccino which is AMAZING! Haven't tried the other ones. It just not extremely easy to find in the UK though. Hence why the question of how beneficial is it to take a daily shake. The question makes perfect sense in my brain, I am somehow at a loss for words as to how to better phrase the question..... lol
  • hobbeskastiel
    hobbeskastiel Posts: 221 Member
    How many calories in your shake total? Because that's what you should look at. Plus, it depends on how much protein you're taking in otherwise. Total program!!!! Eat right and exercise. :)
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Look into body recomposition.

    Not sure Jillian will get you where you want to be…

    Look into these...

    Here's another site about body recomp

    Look into lifting heavier.

    Stronglifts Summary

    Stronglifts Womens Group

    Take your measurements and progress photos before...When I started this program within 3 months I had lost inches everywhere! 2" in my legs.

    If you can't get to lifting heavy yet, look into convict conditioning. It's a lot of body weight exercises.

    Another awesome resource here...
  • It's not about the number of "shakes", it's about the total amount of grams eaten in a single day. You need between 0.82 - 1.0 grams per pound of lean body mass in order to build muscle, and generally only if you're eating at a caloric surplus. It's very difficult to build muscle and lost fat at the same time, you usually need to focus on one and alternate between them.
  • Justarcy
    Justarcy Posts: 93 Member
    Look into body recomposition.

    Not sure Jillian will get you where you want to be…

    Look into these...

    Here's another site about body recomp

    Look into lifting heavier.

    Stronglifts Summary

    Stronglifts Womens Group

    Take your measurements and progress photos before...When I started this program within 3 months I had lost inches everywhere! 2" in my legs.

    If you can't get to lifting heavy yet, look into convict conditioning. It's a lot of body weight exercises.

    Another awesome resource here...

    Thanks for all this information. This is great!! Will definitely look into the links.

    I am extremely fortunate that my body responds quite well and quickly to exercise. I have a great metabolism as well. I'm just a couch potato. It is extremely difficult to get me motivated to exercise. Me and exercise are like oil and water, but I do like to look good and that only comes with exercise. I'm in my late 30s and fat accumulates a bit faster than before and I am starting to get flabby. Big no no!

    I do not count calories, I am used to a fairly healthy diet so I cannot say I watch what I eat a whole lot either. This is why I have no clue how much protein I actually have on a daily basis. I cook a lot at home and almost everything is from scratch. I have a farmers market close by and a great butcher. Food outside the US is a bit healthier and a lot more varied. I am used to eating small portions and I guess this is why I don't worry to much about counting, watching or depriving.

    I have done the before and after pictures and in 4 months of doing Jillian I had noticed a HUGE difference. From a size 5 I went down to a size 2 in that short period. Sadly this was 1.5 years ago. Lost everything I had gained :( I am back and determined and really looking at options that help get results "quicker" per say. I liked how my muscles were starting to show a bit and would like to get that result to show a bit more. Does this make sense?
  • toolzz
    toolzz Posts: 163 Member
    I'm 5'6 and weigh 54kg about 120 lbs

    I take the protein shakes to assist me in loosing body fat and tone up. I'll take the shake immediately after my workout. Syntrax Nectar has different flavors, I take cappuccino which is AMAZING! Haven't tried the other ones. It just not extremely easy to find in the UK though. Hence why the question of how beneficial is it to take a daily shake. The question makes perfect sense in my brain, I am somehow at a loss for words as to how to better phrase the question..... lol

    Protein shakes do not help you lose body fat or tone up - the just boost your protein intake.
  • liftingandlipstick
    liftingandlipstick Posts: 1,857 Member
    I'm 5'6 and weigh 54kg about 120 lbs

    I take the protein shakes to assist me in loosing body fat and tone up. I'll take the shake immediately after my workout. Syntrax Nectar has different flavors, I take cappuccino which is AMAZING! Haven't tried the other ones. It just not extremely easy to find in the UK though. Hence why the question of how beneficial is it to take a daily shake. The question makes perfect sense in my brain, I am somehow at a loss for words as to how to better phrase the question..... lol

    Protein shakes do not help you lose body fat or tone up - the just boost your protein intake.

    ^QFT. Protein shakes were primarily formulated for those who have a hard time getting in their minimum protein- bodybuilders with super high goals, vegetarians (not all, plenty are quite well informed on protein sources), etc. If cost and/or location of protein shakes are difficult for you- have 100g of chicken breast instead. 31g protein and 165 cals Id you want the cappuccino flavor, brew your own and enjoy it alongside your chicken (or meat of choice).
  • I am used to a fairly healthy diet so I cannot say I watch what I eat a whole lot either. This is why I have no clue how much protein I actually have on a daily basis.

    If you have no clue about your daily intake, how do you know you need a protein shake? For all you know, you're taking in plenty of protein without it. If you're serious about tweaking your body, you'll have to get a little more scientific. And since you're on a MyFitnessPal forum, why aren't you using the tool for its intended purpose -- counting calories as well as your daily nutritional intake?

    Your first step should be to analyze you daily nutrition and identify any issues. Then make dietary changes as necessary. Building a good exercise program to meet you fitness goals has to be done in conjunction with that, if you want to achieve particular results.
  • Justarcy
    Justarcy Posts: 93 Member
    ^QFT. Protein shakes were primarily formulated for those who have a hard time getting in their minimum protein- bodybuilders with super high goals, vegetarians (not all, plenty are quite well informed on protein sources), etc. If cost and/or location of protein shakes are difficult for you- have 100g of chicken breast instead. 31g protein and 165 cals Id you want the cappuccino flavor, brew your own and enjoy it alongside your chicken (or meat of choice).
    I appreciate your input liftingandlip. This helps answer the question.
    If you have no clue about your daily intake, how do you know you need a protein shake? For all you know, you're taking in plenty of protein without it.
    Excellent point!
    If you're serious about tweaking your body, you'll have to get a little more scientific. And since you're on a MyFitnessPal forum, why aren't you using the tool for its intended purpose -- counting calories as well as your daily nutritional intake?

    Your first step should be to analyze you daily nutrition and identify any issues. Then make dietary changes as necessary. Building a good exercise program to meet you fitness goals has to be done in conjunction with that, if you want to achieve particular results.
    In regards to the MFP tool, in all honestly (don't need bashing please), because It takes extra effort. It might not be much, but that extra 4 min in my brain are too much work. It might not makes sense for many but somehow my brain doesn't process it just yet. As mentioned previously, it is already a huge effort for me to exercise. I am tackling this hurdle a day at a time. I have never ever been thrilled about exercise. If there was a way to get out of PE class, I would find it lol. It takes A LOT of effort to get my daily fitness routine in, so adding the food counting/tracking bit is just ugh...

    I am serious about tweaking my body and little by little I have come to terms with changes that need to be done. I already pat myself in the back every single day that I manage to get through my Jillian butt kicking. Realistically, I will not eat chicken every day. I am not huge on fish either. Eggs alone will not give me the total amount of protein I need per day either. So, given that I do enjoy the protein shake flavor and that for the time being I cannot be bothered with counting calories and making a note of everything I eat. I'll continue hunting for my shake fix lol

    THANK YOU all for helping me understand. Although the changes I need to make will not happen immediately, I am pleased with the information I have received from this thread.