Eat what you burn.



  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    If your doctor is on board and you feel strong and healthy, why go higher?

    I don't know how old you are, but loose skin is a reason to keep the weight loss slower. I didn't start getting it until about halfway through my journey, but it's gross. The less of it you end up with, the better. Slow and steady is better to avoid loose skin. I know you may be thinking, "Who cares about some loose skin? It's better than fat!" but when it shows up, you'll care. Better to avoid it if you can.

    The weight loss will slow down at some point. It's going to get harder. So enjoy the pounds flying off while they do that, but prepare yourself, mentally, for a time to come when they don't. You can't freak out and give up when it gets hard.
  • newhealthykim
    newhealthykim Posts: 192 Member
    I'm still trying to understand what you are saying here, but you burn more than 1200 calories in a day doing absolutely nothing. Your body burns calories to function. That is your BMR. For instance, I'm 5'5'' and 225 lbs and my BMR is somewhere around 1800.

    I'm not counting walking around, and stuff like that. I'm talking just merely eating only the calories I burn in a gym session, and not more.

    Okay, I'm done being nice. STOP TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF!!!

    Your body is counting walking around. If you keep at this, not only will you not be able to go on the eliptical, but you will get sick. Your body needs fuel. It can only get the fuel from food. If you don't eat enough food, your body isn't going to magically take the extra fat it has that you want it to take. It's going to take whatever is closest, which is going to be your muscle. It's going to take your lean body mass and make it harder to use those muscles later on the elliptical. DO NOT JUST EAT THE CALORIES YOU BURNED IN A GYM SESSION AND NOTHING ELSE.

    By the way, 55 lb loss in 5 months is great. Don't sabotage yourself now. If you lose too fast, you will gain it all back. It has happened over and over and over to many people.
  • tremroy1
    tremroy1 Posts: 90 Member
    you have a smart mom........the apple didnt fall near the tree this time