Hello and Happy New Year!

Hi there,

I actually joined this site last summer and I messed around on for a while and really love how easy it is to use but life happens...
So here I am and it's a new year and as my goals state it's time for me BUT I know I can't do it alone so I would love to hear from you.
I am a 43 year old mother of 2 gorgeous fit young women and I have a LONG way to go. So I am setting my first set of goals around events this summer. If I think of how much weight I really need to lose it is to overwhelming and I realize that this has to be a lifestyle change and I am determined to do my best. My first goal is to buy a new dress for a family wedding in May and hopefully be 30 lbs thinner. I haven't bought a dress in sooooo long because my backside looks ridiculous :S My second goal is to buy a sun dress for my youngest daughters high school graduation in June in a size 16 ish ( I'd like to be down 40 lbs by then). So I figure if I start now and work everyday to change my eating and move my but with your help I CAN make this happen.

Thanks and Nice to meet you :)


  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    good luck to you :)

    i am trying to lose 40 pounds by july so i can look good in a bathing suit at the cabin we rented.

    feel free to add me as a friend if u like :)