What to eat when Travelling?

I have just restarted my weight loss journey and tomorrow I am going to be travelling, eating in restaurants, staying in hotels and with family for about a week. Can anyone give me snack and or meal ideas I can have in the car. Any restaurant meal hints that have worked for you would also be appreciated.


  • nuts? carrot sticks? beef jerky (my fave!) for the car.
    As far as restaurants go, I tend to order a grilled protein (beef or chicken) and veggies or sliced avocado on the side. Most restaurants will substitute for you.
  • Valeriepei
    Valeriepei Posts: 14 Member
    nuts? carrot sticks? beef jerky (my fave!) for the car.
    As far as restaurants go, I tend to order a grilled protein (beef or chicken) and veggies or sliced avocado on the side. Most restaurants will substitute for you.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    You could say screw it, relax, and enjoy time with your family. However, if you don't want to go too far off track then pack a cooler with the foods you prefer that will keep you in your calorie deficiency. Search restaurants online and plan your meals ahead of time so not to go over your calories for the day or week. Understand high levels of sodium causes water weight gains so don't freak out if the scale goes up after you get back. Water, potassium, and magnesium help eliminate the water weight. Either way, have fun!
  • Valeriepei
    Valeriepei Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you, I am busy trying to pack and get ready and I am just drawing a blank for heathy snacks and food choices. I appreciate your suggestions especially for the restaurants. :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Just eat what you normally do, only less.
  • BigDaddyBooth
    BigDaddyBooth Posts: 10 Member
    I travel a lot for work, and this doesn't need to be as hard as it seems. I typically pack some snacks that I know I like and that will keep me satisfied. Things like raw almonds, crunchy protein bars, a couple of bananas. I typically eat on that stuff when I'm actually in the airport and driving between places, so that I don't have to eat the fast food.

    In restaurants it's all about self control and planning. If you can look at the menu online before you go, you can actually plan out what you will order. This is helpful so that when you get there you aren't scanning the menu looking at all the good, greasy food, which can be hard to resist when your are there and hungry.

    A lot of menus have a whole section with healthier options, and the calories are listed. Obviously, this is very helpful. Outside of that, just find something you like, and have them alter the way they make it. I'll often order a steak with no butter and no fries, or a burger without mayo and without fries. There are a lot of good options, but the hardest part is bringing your willpower with you to the restaurant!
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    Just eat half portions of your favorite items. I would just eat at maintenance if I am traveling, but if you must stick to eat, portion control is the best option. Check to see if the restaurants have online nutrition facts.
  • Valeriepei
    Valeriepei Posts: 14 Member
    I travel a lot for work, and this doesn't need to be as hard as it seems. I typically pack some snacks that I know I like and that will keep me satisfied. Things like raw almonds, crunchy protein bars, a couple of bananas. I typically eat on that stuff when I'm actually in the airport and driving between places, so that I don't have to eat the fast food.

    In restaurants it's all about self control and planning. If you can look at the menu online before you go, you can actually plan out what you
    will order. This is helpful so that when you get there you aren't scanning the menu looking at all the good, greasy food, which can be hard to resist when your are there and hungry.

    A lot of menus have a whole section with healthier options, and the calories are listed. Obviously, this is very helpful. Outside of that, just find something you like, and have them alter the way they make it. I'll often order a steak with no butter and no fries, or a burger without mayo and without fries. There are a lot of good options, but the hardest part is bringing your willpower with you to the restaurant!

    Thanks so much for the great feedback especially for looking at the menu ahead of going to the restaurant! I do find like you said having the willpower is the hardest part. Knowing what I am going to order ahead of time will really help, why didn't i think of that?! Great tips everyone and thank you. It is funny what seems so simple I didn't even think of.
  • woodml1
    woodml1 Posts: 199 Member
    There are a lot of good options, but the hardest part is bringing your willpower with you to the restaurant!

    ^^^ This ^^^

    I always take a ziploc baggie of cut veggies with me on the plane. Cucumbers, peppers, broccoli, and radish are my favorites. I also like to visit the grocery store when I get to my destination and stock up on veg for the hotel (though this probably isn't as practical when you're traveling with family). Apples, oranges, cauliflower, and tomatoes hold up well for longer without refrigeration. Don't forget single serve squeezes of almond butter for the apples... YUM! As far as protein, hard boiled eggs, beef or turkey jerky, protein bars and protein shakes are my go tos.

    For flying, you can go through security with frozen ice packs but not with thawed ones. You can pack a lunch box with an ice pack, no problem. Sometimes I get the cheap $1 ice pack from the grocery store then throw them away, sometimes they make it back in my checked baggage, and sometimes the hotel will freeze them for you for your return flight if you're traveling back with food too.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Bananas, grapes, nuts, make your own trail mix & portion it out in baggies, granola bars, salads if you have a cooler. This is what I take if I'll be in the car for a while. I hate the feeling of eating out for every meal for a week! When you go out, chose veggies! And maybe you can take half of what you get back to your hotel room for later if there's a fridge. I've also stopped at grocery stores before instead of restaurants for their ready made food or even a chicken!
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Oh and get a room on the top floor and take the stairs to your room ;) that helps to offset some calories!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    For car travel I bring a cooler and have greek yogurt, cheese sticks and fruit & veggies for snacks. And lunch meat and bread (or wraps/pita) to make sandwiches for lunch rather than fast food on the road.

    For restaurants, grilled chicken and double serving of steamed veggies (instead of potatoes). Salads with no cheese and a low cal dressing on the side. Or oil & vinegar.

    There will be some meals you might want to indulge, but if you can control breakfast and lunch then you are ahead of the game. You want to be able to enjoy yourself somewhat.
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    I travel for work about 5 months a year. It's easy-ish to eat healthily if you are willing to sacrifice eating bad restaurant food just because it's there and you can!

    Snacks: apples, bananas, Clementines, low-fat string cheese, raw almonds (in moderation), beef or turkey jerky, cherry tomatoes, snap peas, mini sweet bell peppers, hard-boiled eggs. All things you can get at the grocery store. At a convenience store, go for jerky or nuts (again, in moderation) or fruit. All of these things do not need refrigeration for a day or two. And drink tons of WATER!

    Restaurants: order an entree salad with grilled chicken or fish, no cheese, low-fat dressing on the side. Don't eat any of the bread etc that comes to your table.
  • salgal33
    salgal33 Posts: 49 Member
    I used to travel a lot - mine was flying to my destination and then traveling by car. One of the first things I always did when I arrived was find a grocery store.
    I would load up on snack-able items for car and hotel. many fruits and veggies, bagged salad and dressing and many other things already mentioned. Even canned soups and occasionally a frozen meal. (not a fan) And WATER!
    Most hotel rooms have microwaves and refrigerators. (remember this was not a vacation, this was a few times a month for me)
    *edit to add, if your room does not have a microwave, use the one in the lobby/breakfast area. Never a problem.

    I would also pack a small soft sided cooler, an ice pack, a bowl, and if I had a bag checked - utensils. Otherwise I would pick up plastic in airport or front desk at hotel.

    Log your MFP food diary BEFORE you order food. It will help you stay on point. It really works to be mindful before you start drooling over the high calorie appetizers!
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Any restaurant meal hints that have worked for you would also be appreciated.

    Stick with foods that are grilled (or broiled), keep in mind portion sizes, order steamed veggies instead of french fries, ask for salad dressing on the side, drink water or unsweetened ice tea.

    But most of all, enjoy your vacation and the time with your family!!
  • Valeriepei
    Valeriepei Posts: 14 Member
    Again thanks to everyone for your great ideas and taking the time to post. I was sort of dreading the food part of the trip, but now I feel motivated and confident that I can do this! :smile:
  • nicoleromine
    nicoleromine Posts: 92 Member
    I travel a lot for work (I average about 2000 miles a month of drive time). As such, I'm constantly stocking up on healthy snacks to keep in my car and purse. Here's a few of my favs:

    - I love Kind Nuts and Spices Bars. Good amount of protein without over doing it on the sugar. http://www.vitacost.com/productResults.aspx?ntk=products&ss=1&NttSR=1&Ntt=kind nuts and spices

    - A mix of my favorite nuts (usually almonds) and a bit of granola. My favorite granola is Bear Naked.

    - I always have a couple of Justin's Nut Butter in squeeze pack. http://www.vitacost.com/productResults.aspx?ntk=products&ss=1&NttSR=1&Ntt=justin's nut butter

    - I usually have a couple of Tapaz 2 Go handy. I usually try to eat clean and non-processed food. But this is a good option when I'm busy and my only other option is McDonald's. http://www.vitacost.com/productResults.aspx?NttSR=1&previousText=hummus+to+go&ss=1&ntk=products&Ntt=hummus 2 go

    - Along those same lines, I usually keep some of those travel tuna packs around. Bumblebee has a Spicy Thai Chili Tuna pack that's healthy and yummy.

    - If I'm just throwing a couple of things in my purse for the day, I usually include a few of the following: apple, banana, bag of baby carrots, bag of cherry tomatoes, or a babybel cheese (it will be fine for a day!).
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    A few people have emphasized water...... and while you might think that you'll have to stop and pee a lot more, it really will help your digestion. There is nothing worse than that bloated and constipated feeling you get from traveling in the car all day. That is the worst part of travel for me, feeling like you have to go but you can't go because you are rushed on the road, can't relax, etc.
  • cakenedith2
    cakenedith2 Posts: 72 Member
    i'm not going to give any suggestions because everyone has given great tips so just enjoy yourself!! can't wait to hear all about it!
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    i'm not going to give any suggestions because everyone has given great tips so just enjoy yourself!! can't wait to hear all about it!

    ^^^^This. I'm also getting ready to do an unexpected road trip, all these suggestions have been helpful.