Tracking for 3 weeks and just need to vent

I've been tracking, eating well, and exercising for just over 3 weeks now. The first two weeks I saw the numbers going down a lot on the scale, like 4.8 pounds in two weeks. I was ecstatic . Then all of a sudden I jumped up a pound and have been hovering there for for the last 8 or 9 days.
When I started tracking, I also started working out almost every day which was a big jump from what I was doing. I've read several articles about muscles retaining a lot of water when you start working out a lot, or harder than usual. That helps ease my mind, but it's still frustrating to not see the scale move.
I track everything, weigh and measure, the whole nine yards; and I'm still just stuck. This is not my first go-around with weight loss. I've done Weight Watchers and been very successful with it (I've kept 40 of the 50 pounds I lost with it off for about 3 years now). I know plateaus happen, but they don't usually happen 2 weeks in. It's more like 2 or 3 months in.

I know I just need to be patient and keep at it, but I just needed to vent my frustration.

PS: My food diary is public in case anyone wants to take a look and offer suggestions. I've run all the reports for different things and don't see anything major glaring at me.


  • Apothys28
    Apothys28 Posts: 56 Member
    welcome to my world! I find that I lose my pounds in 4lb intervals. I lose 4/bs over 2 weeks then I hover around that for about 3-4 weeks. Then I lose another 4 over 2weeks then I hover again. I don't quite understand it.