Sinking into the comfort zone

Literal translation: I'm getting way too lazy.

Things are picking up pretty quickly for me. I'm getting busy at work (which is awesome) but I'm finding it hard to balance everything else. That means I'm not really making any changes or effort to be less lazy.

I've decided the only thing that is going to work for me is getting up early to go to the gym. That's fine, it's going to have to be a habit I force myself into. But I also want to take more time and put in more effort on my appearance. Lately, I've been content with throwing my hair up into a bun and wearing whatever does not require ironing. Not good. On top of that, I'm taking care of all the cleaning/laundry/etc. We (meaning myself and my boyfriend) have tried to split household duties, but it doesn't work.

My temporary plan is to force myself to get up at 6:00 am, hit the gym, make myself look presentable, get to work at a decent time (probably earlier) and then come home at night so I can take care of cleaning/cooking/whatever. I just need the motivation to do it, and every single day I'm just not getting it.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    Well it sounds as if you're riddled with chores, but no fun. Of course it's getting tiring - you don't sound like you're looking forward to any of that.

    First off, if the BF is not willing to help with cleaning and household chores, or doesn't for whatever reason, can he pitch in for a cleaning service? It's quality of life over money spent.

    Second. Cooking is taking time? You can do the cooking on a weekday or a day off and freeze whatever you don't eat. You can also experiment with some quick to cook dishes. I can make a pineapple-salsa and avocado halibut in less than 10 minutes. It's delicious and good for you.

    Third. Good luck with waking up early. I won't do it, but I applaud you!

    Fourth. Maybe find an exercise you legitimately look forward to doing so that when you wake up it's yay I get to XX!!! instead of 'grumble what? exercise...bed...exercise....BED...ok I'll get up" Find an exercise you're passionate about.

    Fifth; Being presentable. Oi. Well.... pretty clothes make a difference. Wrap dresses and stilettos take no effort to don, don't wrinkle (depending on fabric) and the dress can even go in the wash (gasp) so you don't have to find the time to pick it up at the dry cleaner. And maybe, clothes shopping to buy clothes you're excited about wearing ...and again, it's not a chore. If you're not breaking out into a smile when you think about what you're about to wear...then why are you wearing it? (Says me in my sheer pink top and motorcycle boots outfit today). Also...can you get a blowout once or twice a month? Depending on your hair, it might be able to hold for a 3-5 days, pair that with some dry shampoo and you can have gorgeous hair without much effort.