New here

I am a married mother of 4 who homeschools and needs to loose 50lbs. I am trying to find people to help keep me motivated and make me accountable for my decisions. I eat horribly (when pregnant, I had nothing but brownies for an entire week, and will often have large amounts of cake or donuts with my morning coffee). I eat for emotional reasons and am going through a bit of a rough bit right now. I am at my heaviest and even my large clothing isn't fitting me. I usually just stay in my pj's and try not to leave the house. Here's to hoping this time will be different!



  • Hi! I'm new to myfitnespal. My sister's wedding is coming up soon and my goal is to lose at least 30 lbs to look nice at her wedding. I'll try to stick to a diet and exercising plan. Any suggestions or motivations are greatly appreciated! Thanks.
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Hi my name is Lisa and I'm trying to lose my last 25 pounds. I'm on daily. Feel free to add me. We can do this !!!:smile:
  • Strongandscrappy
    Strongandscrappy Posts: 1,735 Member
    Hi Nikki. My name is Sarah. I just accepted your friend request. You can do it! I'm here to support you. You can find a bunch of help here. I was on MFP for almost a year before I started being active in the community and it has motivated me so much more since then. I log in everyday so I'm always available. Just get your mind right and commit. Good luck!