You know what to do... but don't.

Hi... I am one of those people who know what to do to lose weight and be healthy, but have problems actually following through with this. I am sure many of you are like this too! I hope this will give me a little motivation and accountability as I try to get healthy.


  • masmith06
    I am the same way. Give great advice but not take it myself. From what I see of this website it will be awesome for me. Hope it will be for you. Going to take my own advice to get this weight loss started. This is the year. Tired of saying tomorrow I will start. And months later.. still nothing. Let get this started and keep going to we achive the goals we have set for ourselves.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I know being here has helped me a whole lot! Love this site and the people are Great! Welcome to the family!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I read a book called "The Beck Diet Solution" (it's NOT a diet book - it's about setting yourself up to successfully lose weight regardless of what diet/non-diet you choose), and they recommend this excellent exercise:

    Write out all the reasons you want to lose weight/be healthy - they can be silly, serious, personal, superficial - whatever the real reasons are that you have. Read these out loud to yourself. Keep the list somewhere handy that you can bring it out when you're feeling weak or don't want to do what you know you should. Keep it on the bathroom mirror, refrigerator, on an index card in your wallet/purse, etc. For a few weeks, read it a couple times a day until you're really on track. Remind yourself of why you want to do this. By ignoring these reasons, you're disrespecting yourself and making the decision that temporary pleasure (food/laziness/etc.) or disorganization (saying you "don't have time") is more important than those reasons.
  • kmizins1
    Thats how I am too. I hate it. Food is just good. You know you should eat an apple but the cookie looks better. Then after your like darn it I should of eaten the apple.. I hope talking to people and writing everything I eat down will help me get through this weight loss.
  • robsmom
    robsmom Posts: 9 Member
    I'm exactly the same way. I'm starting serously tomorrow, bought fruit and vegies and a food scale! It's one thing to know what you should do and another to do it.
  • rainbowdash
    rainbowdash Posts: 10 Member
    I agree with what you are saying. I started 6 days ago by changing my diet and yesterday I started exercising. I was a little shocked at the calorie recommedations (Okay, so 1200 calories might be enough for breakfast and lunch :sad: ) Yesterday I was hurting, feeling like all I wanted was some rich food. But today I seemed to have made the right choices with more protein and fiber and don't feel too bad. I feel so much better with exercising. So I'm trying to remember right now why I always fall off the wagon? I guess it just happens bit by bit.