Feels Different This Time

I have only been here for eleven days posting and I can already tell that things feel different this time. I am not obsessing about food or when it will be time for my next meal. I think for me the difference is almost every food plan I have tried in the past was restrictive or too structured. This time around I don't restrict myself at all, I don't take any food groups away nor do I have a set time to eat each meal or how many meals I will have. I eat when I am really hungry and I eat accordingly. The support here is great too, so with that as well as not setting myself up to fail by telling myself I cant have this or that it seems to be working better. The mental part is very important when trying to lose weight and get healthy and my mental so far is feeling really awesome. I have done diets that were so restrictive that I completely ruined my metabolism or so it seemed and I never want to go that route again. Just make good choices as much of the time as you can and if you do choose to eat something not so healthy then have it in moderation and count your calories. Wow, who knew it was just that simple? I think a lot of us make it a lot more complicated then it really is and want a fast fix. That just isn't the case. It takes time to gain it and it takes time to lose it. All these get skinny fast diets and supplements that promise you the moon are just a bad idea. I know from experience that they just don't work for the long term. You might lose some weight but eventually it will come right back as soon as you go back to eating normally. I am curious if anyone else has had this same realization about how obsessed you actually become with food when you restrict yourself?


  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    Tracking everything consistently is the key. You don't have to cut out anything except extra helpings. Good Luck on your Journey

  • Cammyfaye
    Cammyfaye Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you jrline..I am definitely tracking everything..I agree with you...it definitely makes me feel accountable
  • ccbulldog83
    ccbulldog83 Posts: 25 Member
    Great blog...I agree with you, "it feels different this time". Maybe we've grown more patient with age:tongue: Thanks for motivating me!