Super Fine by Valentine's

I thought it would be fun to create an accountability group. This group will run for the next 6 weeks Jan 3rd-Feb 11th.

Here's what is required-
~Exercise at least 1 hr per day 6x per wk. The activity is up to you but make sure you are getting a good balance of cardio and strength.
~No eating 3 hrs before your bedtime.
~Eat every 2-3 hrs.
~Drink AT LEAST 80 oz of water a day. Remember 64 oz is the MINIMUM required for your body to function, with activity you need more.
~Come as close to calorie allotment without going over.

If you'd like to join, you will need to report EVERY FRIDAY on whether or not you managed to complete the 5 tasks above each day.
You may include your weight and/or measurements on the day you join if you'd like but it's not necessary. This group is really just about accountability and having someone to report to each week and making new friends that will help hold you accountable for your choice to join with us in our quest to be Super Fine by Valentine's! :)


  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Anyone? Anyone?
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Checking in- This week was really good. I ate every 2-3 hrs which I NEVER DO, and because I did I have felt so much better. I've exercised every day (nothing new) and I drank lots of water. I stayed within my calories....until tonight LOL but I don't think I went overboard too bad.

    Staying Strong!