6 months Goal and plan...

My BIG GOAL for the next 6 months is to get my Body Fat Percentage down to at least 25%, I am currently at 29.1% so that is a total of 4.1% Body Fat that I need to lose. I'm aware this is a hefty goal and I'm not sure I can make it because it took me a year and a half to lose 6.9% Body Fat, but since my overall MFP goal is to get somewhere between 20-25% Body Fat, I decided that reaching the top end of that goal is what I am going to shoot for.

To be clear, other than the last 4 pounds to my original weight goal, I am NOT concerned with losing weight only FAT and I believe the way to do this is thru fitness. I will start October 1st and run thru to the end of March to get a total of 6 months

The biggest (and scariest) part of my plan is to incorporate strength training/weight lifting which I dabbled in WAY back when (high school daze--many moons ago!), but have been a bit intimidated to do so nowadays. I got the book New Rules of Lifting for Women on my Kindle some time ago and have yet to do anything but read a bit of it, but now I am determined to become serious about reading it so that by October 1st I will be able to start at least 1 day a week and work towards adding more lifting days progressively throughout the 6 months when hopefully I will be at 3 days per week.

Also, I start October 2nd with my 6 months of fall/winter exercise classes: Elite Fit (a HIIT base that includes body weight exercises and TRX) and Cardio Boxing (another HIIT base that includes cardio, body weight exercises and bag work) I will aim to make it to 9-10 classes per month (roughly 3 times per week).

Finally, I'm in LOVE with jump roping and will continue to supplement with interval jump rope training, elliptical workouts and swimming here and there as needed.

I will start my workout schedule to the tune of 6 days per week, burning at least 300 calories per day or a total of 1800 calories per week, whichever works out in the end. In other words, we all know life happens, so I am allowing for make up sessions, so say I miss a day, then I can either double up a day (burning 600 calories) or I can spread it out over the next few days--say 400 calories for 3 days and 300 for 2...as long as I burn at least 1800 calories by the end of each week.

Yay! It feels so exciting laying it all out like that! Let's do this!

Also, any input and/or advice on my plan is welcomed...I know there are a lot of you out there already doing Strength training/weight lifting.

(This was prompted by a group I joined called "6 Months Fitness Goal Challenge" in case anyone wants to join!)

edited to remove the smileys that came up as words only.