Hello! Just joined... (personal trainer)



  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    protein - not enough probably! Think I'm just unrealistic in my expectations too. I thought losing weight and being a lot fitter I would always feel amazing and ready to run a marathon , however I am not a professional athlete, I am an older mum of 2 very active kids, I don't sleep great and i didn't look after my body for long time!

    Yes, protein is HARD for us vegetarians. Look into getting a good protein powder, mix it with chocolate milk (almond milk is what I use), get protein bars, start trying to make sure you hit your macros protein/fat/carbs.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Think my issue is nutrition rather than anything medical, but I get myself in a knot about these things as I have some anxiety issues, and I am very stressed at the moment. The exercise generally helps so I try to keep it going. I am a picky vegetarian which I know is bad - I eat lots of fruit and veg, but don't like nuts. I have been doing the same kind of exercise - HIIT, and some strength for a couple of years. I work hard, and generally enjoy it, but I swear its getting harder! I feel so so tired at the moment, and rather than feeling energised by the workout I feel shaky and dizzy. Trying to drink more water - not always getting enough.

    I would start with the number of calories you are getting. Are you fueling your activity?
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    Thanks for the responses. I eat enough calories for general day, I think. I don't always fuel my activity. Having a toddler i have to book childcare, and a generally run out of the house last minute before class starts, and do well if I remember to take some water and and gym card!

    I worry about protein powders - aren't they lots of calories? Actually I worry too much - thats part of the problem!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Thanks for the responses. I eat enough calories for general day, I think. I don't always fuel my activity. Having a toddler i have to book childcare, and a generally run out of the house last minute before class starts, and do well if I remember to take some water and and gym card!

    I worry about protein powders - aren't they lots of calories? Actually I worry too much - thats part of the problem!

    You make the protein powder calories fit into your day just like anything else.
  • hayleylouise9699
    hayleylouise9699 Posts: 146 Member

    I could also do with more support from motivated people. Please feel free to add me.

  • PokeyBug
    PokeyBug Posts: 482 Member
    Hi Verner,
    great to have you here on the forum.

    And since your offering help, grins, just a little question.

    I have nerve damage in my arms/hands/feet and back, so my mobility is limited.

    I'm ok on the food side, got that well in hand, could you recommend any types of exercises or equipment that would be helpful to tone up tummy and thighs as i try to loose the extra weight.?

    Big thanks in advance.

    I'm based in england uk

    Leslie, if you're still around, I'll add my 2¢, though it's probably worth way less than 2¢. I have some experience with nerve damage from a car accident. I tried lifting for the longest time, and I LOVED squats (Okay, I actually hated them, but I absolutely loved how they made my rear end look, lol.) But,ultimately, I had to give up lifting, because it was really hard on the knee and elbow that were damaged in the accident. I did a lot of research about low-impact resistance exercise, and I finally settled on Callanetics. I don't know if you've ever heard of it, but it was developed by the late Callan Pickney, a former ballerina, to be a low impact way to tone your body. I find that it works really well at toning my bottom, thighs, and stomach. I do 20 minutes each day from the Quick Callanetics DVD -- Stomach, Hips and Behind, or Legs -- and also 45 minutes of walking for cardio. You can do swimming for your cardio, and Callanetics or maybe Pilates or Yoga for resistance?

    Here's a quick clip of Callanetics, to show you a bit of what it's like. Excuse the hair. Pickney did this video in the early '80's, lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_25kyb7BfVM
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    People realize that Verner is a personal trainer ....not a physician, right?

    Okay....just checking :noway:

    And I am a French model.... Bonjour.

  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Would love to have an enthusiastic, optimistic friend like you. Encouragement is always nice to have! Glad to see personal trainers leading clients to MFP. I think it's a great site.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Hope you achieve all your goals.
  • VernerDixon
    VernerDixon Posts: 38 Member
    Would love to have an enthusiastic, optimistic friend like you. Encouragement is always nice to have! Glad to see personal trainers leading clients to MFP. I think it's a great site.

    Thanks! Just sent a friend request.
  • VernerDixon
    VernerDixon Posts: 38 Member
    Hey guys,

    I train and coach a handful of clients here in the Bay Area, and have helped them achieve (and maintain) their weight loss and health goals. But now I want to figure out a way to help even more people, not just in my neighborhood.

    Here's where you come in.

    If you're interested in weight loss (or muscle gain, better diet habits, meal plans, workout routines, etc.) and are open to 1-on-1 online training and coaching on how to hit your personal health and fitness goals, then this is for you, no matter where in the world you're located.

    I'm looking for 10 (committed) people to help me with a 30-Day health and fitness project where I will be coaching and training you on how to reach your health goals. With daily and weekly touch bases via email, Skype, phone calls, whatever you're comfortable with, I will provide tips, advice, meal plans, and workout routines tailored to YOU and YOUR specific goals!

    Email me if you're interested and I would love to kick-start this journey to helping you be the best version of you! (<---cheesy, but true.)


    Verner Dixon
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    pressumably your offering this for free then? otherwise i don't think your technically allowed to advertize in the forum