goodlife 20min fit fix

If I do the fit fix circuit 3-4 times a week with no other weights, is this a good plan? The circuit includes 9 machines, but I always just do all the machines there even if they aren't in the circuit. I do each machine once for 12 reps (I'm honestly just going off what the sign says).

Whenever I'm at the gym it seems like all the super fit people are doing their own thing with the free weights and they might use a couple machines. I honestly really only ever see older and overweight people doing the circuit.

I know it's good that I've started doing something, but if I'm at the gym, I'd like to make the most of it!

I plan to start doing the body pump class as well... but other than that, I really don't know what else I should be doing.


  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    I'd suggest to keep this up until you hit some sort of plateau, because it sounds like you are a beginner at the gym thing. Yes, the super fit people are doing their own thing because they have a goal to hit a certain body part on a certain day for a certain amount of time.

    If the circuit keeps you interested and motivated, then try going for time (like how many times can you go around the circuit within an hour, or half hour, whatever time you set). If you like it, stick with it until you get bored or don't get sore any more. The free weights are more challenging and will be a better workout, but you need to do your research about form and exercises.

    For now, stick with the circuit until you are ready to do free lifting for weight training (after the research is done), then start to incorporate it into your schedule 1, 2 or 3 days per week. As a beginner, just moving is great. Machine circuits are not as impactful as free training, but you are much less likely to hurt yourself if you're just starting out.