Salad Noob



  • healthyfoxx
    healthyfoxx Posts: 104 Member
    I used to not like salads. I now realize I don't like boring iceburg lettuce salads, and certainly not covered in heavy dressings.

    Now I make salads most days of the week for lunch! I usually do:

    - Kale or spinach (1 bunch ofkale is much cheaper than bagged spinach - and tastier)
    - Cherry tomatoes
    - Shredded carrot
    - Shelled edemame (I get frozen and thaw it)
    - Bell pepper, if I have it
    - Mushrooms
    - Sometimes cucumber
    - Sometimes avocado

    Or whatever leftover veggies I have that I need to go through.

    Very filling! For dressing, I love either using just straight, fresh lemon juice (add oil if there's no avocado so you have some fat in there) or mustards. I'm currently using a sweet and hot one and it is DELICIOUS.

    My advice is use fresh ingredients whenever you can, and experiment with whatever veggies you like. Start with maybe one a week, and maybe you'll learn to love them.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i went on a date to appleby's and ordered something that came with a salad. i ate my whole meal, but didn't touch the salad until the very end because i was still sooooo hungry. it was spinach with craisins and feta cheese, and a honey mustard dressing. it was outstanding.

    i know a lot of people will load up their salad with about 12 different things, but i prefer to keep things simple. the greens, 2-3 toppings, and dressing.

    and when i figured out you could add protein to a salad and still call it a salad MY ENTIRE WORLD CHANGED.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    Salads are great and so versatile. Make them interesting. Anything can be made In to a salad.

    Main ingredient: Chicken, Turkey, Pork, Beef, Lamb, Cheese, Boiled Egg, Quiche, Tuna, Prawns, Salmon, Baked Potato.
    Salady Stuff: Lettuce, Tomato, Cucumber, Sweetcorn, Carrot, Beetroot, Pepper, Pickled Onion, Boiled Baby Potato, Cress, Mushrooms, Celery, Spinach, Watercress, Rocket, Avocado, Seeds, Nuts.
  • catb58
    catb58 Posts: 239 Member
    What flavors do you like? Try putting those in a salad form.
    We usually do taco Tuesday for dinner so I frequently have a taco salad for lunch on Wednesday. Grilled taco shrimp or chicken, black beans, grilled onions and peppers, little bit of shared cheese, tomatoes top of chopped romaine lettuce. Then I mix a little bit of spicy ranch with some salsa and use that as dressing. Mixing them makes the ranch thinner so it goes further and coats everything.

    I do this, but mix salsa with plain Greek yogurt as a dressing.