From Debbie to Dynamite



  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    I can see that I'm not the only one that has been lost! I've been so busy with work (thank GOD!) that I haven't logged in for quite a while, haven't been watching my food and rarely exercising! I'll go slowly, because I have little time. I landed a new design project that'll keep me busy, extremely busy for about 2-3 months. Very exciting though!
    Truhvn - good for you! Losing 20 lbs "the old fashioned way". You're right, you have to change your habits, if not, you'll end up where you started. Aim for those 14s, but hopefully soon they'll be loose!
    MTDork - ???????
    Landry - ?????
    April - ?????
    Everybody else?????

    Take care and hopefully we'll see each other soon!
  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Hey crew,
    Hope you all are doing well. I haven't had much time to catch up on the posts yet.
    It looks like folks have been pretty busy.

    I'm back form Holidays.
    Running to work but had to report
    4.2 pounds since my last weigh in.
    I'm super stoked and have definitely cruised past the 210 mark.
    Weight 204.2 pounds.

  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hello ladies!!

    Finally I am back!! We had real trouble with our internet so I have been without it for over 6 weeks. A nightmare!! I really missed posting here and getting motivation!

    I have not really been exercising. Last week I started ChaLean Extreme. I like it but i feel by using bands I am not getting a workout as good as I would with weights. Also I am missing more cardio. So I decided to get Turbo Fire. I have done it the first time yesterday and really liked it. It is a lot like Turbo Jam just on a higher pace. However now I am thinking I should get more weights in. So I decided on 2 or 3 days a week I will add a weight circuit from CE. We willl see how it goes.

    Summer is apporaching and I want to make sure that I can wear shorst this year!! That is myt motivator at the moment :smile:

    It is great to back! Let me know how you are doing ladies!! :smile:

    All the best

  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Hey all,

    Just finishing up my welcome home cold/flu.
    No exercise as yet.
    Not much appetite either though.
    Just started logging my food again and I joined a 3500 cal a week challenge.
    So I'm on my way.

    I weighed in at 202.4 on Saturday.
    waist 36.5
    hips 42.5
    arms 12.5

    Catching up on Your posts it looks like folks are super busy

    Daisy- Good to see you back. I have a copy of P90X I'm gonna check out next week-end when I've built u some energy.

    Smartypants 64- Welcome. I'm repeating slim in 6 as a default till I pick up a new program. It's the only program I've used so far and I keep losing 1-2 pounds a week. (When I'm consistent)

    abtropix- Your design project sounds interesting. Good luck working on it and getting in some healthy living. It's so hard to get it all in.

    Truhvn- I see you logging in on my home page. Very encouraging. Congrats on the weight loss.

    RLAL 09- Good luck with the meds. So good your taking care of yourself.

    MTDork + Landry look forward to hearing from you when you get a chance.


  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hello Aprilfit

    Great to see someone back! I miss having a thread to check in on! I hope your flu isn't to bad!
    P90X is something I hope to tackle one day! You have to let me know how you get on...

    Where is everybody else?

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Hi there,

    Pretty quiet these days. I know how things can get crazy somtimes. Look forward to seeing folks back on-line soon.

    Daisy - Good to see you too. My flu is on the way out. Yay!

    I got in a workout late last night which is good cause this North American food is not helping.
    Since home I've had hamburgers, pastry and chocolate all which are hard to get or not very tasty (or super expensive ) in Jamaica.
    Gone are my fresh grilled fish and ripe papaya lunches.

    I'l wait till next week to weigh in again but I'm gonna nedd to get organized around good eats and exercise if I want to hit my April 1st goal of 199 pounds.

    I'm trying to stay motivated.
    Joined a March challenge with a weekly weigh in and next week I'm going to go for the burn 3500 calorie a week challenge.

    Still havent checked out P90X but the week-end looks promising.

    Best to you all.

  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    I'm BBBAAACCCKK!!! Well, I never really went anywhere...I've been here the whole time but I didn't see anyone else poste and MTDORk deactivated her account (at least at my last check she did!) I will have to say that I've done good keeping my weight loss stable (totaling at 25) but I have been very lack luster with the daily exercise. I still have around 20 lbs before I'm anywhere near satisfied to move into maintenace but my motivation has gone pbbbbblllttt out the my 16s and soon to be my 14s cuz they are getting loose baby! I now have my TurboJam that I was soooo excited to get but I haven't taken full advantage of it yet. And I'm trying to get my eating back under control because I was content giving myself a break (making sure I stayed under calories but I was giving myself TOO much room with the health value of some of those calories:} )

    Thanks to AprilFit for posting on my board...I said "huh, I wonder if they've been posting..." and here I am...because yes some of you are still here and I HAVE MISSED YOU!!!! I think this is really the support I've been missing and it was so key to my success previously!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hey great to see you back!

    I am really missing my support here too. It just makes a different if you check in and chat about how it's going! Well as I am back online now I will be here to post.

    Great about Turbo Jam. I am doing Turbo Fire and I REALLY love it! It is great. I have just completed my first week and I am looking forward to working out. The workouts are fun. I am also doing Brazil Butt Lift at the same time. Which is good to. It is a bit more basic than TF but it works. Today my muscle in my bum and legs are sore...Good feeling though.

    I have noticed to that Mtdork deleted her account..probably to buy to post here....

    Where you not thinking of getting TF? I can recommend it!

    Great to see people are coming back...

  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Looks like we are all busy busy people! I've been holding steady...down to 153 on those good days! I've been doing power yoga at work for 30 minutes when my co-worker isn't GONE and supplementing with TurboJam. I actually did my first CardioJam the other day and my neighbor came up and said her ceiling fan was bouncing....sooo I guess I'll have to low impact it or find a better time/place in my house to exercise :P Hope everything is going well for everyone else!!

    Daisy- not quite ready for TurboFire but I REALLY like Chalean and I think maybe I'll make the move by end of the year!