


  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    So…….I recently joined at 90 day weight loss challenge at my local park district. Friday was my evaluation. I was disgusted and disappointed with the beginning results. My weight is at 231 with 42.6 fat body percentage. I started crying in front of my sweet barely 5 foot and a buck twenty-five personal trainer. I can’t believe I’m this big. I thought I was doing well, but I continued to eat when I was sad or frustrated about my personal and work life…. .

    I’m confessing this to the MFP community because I can’t tell my friends or family that I joined this challenge. I didn’t realize people can be so cruel. But, with me telling you this, I’m convinced that I have no choice but to lose weight with the motivation and hopefully *kitten* kicking by you guys. I’m going to reach my mini goal of being less than 200lbs for my Boston trip in May 2011 (GO CUBS!!!) and 175lb by my 30th birthday in September. And my final goal weight of 165 by December 2011.

    I’m not going to lie, I’m scared as hell. But, I know if I lose weight, I can be more confident in my personal and professional life. I’m sorry that I’m whining but I can’t talk to my real life friends. They always say “Eh, you’ll be good for a week or two then you fall right back to your crappy ways” Nice encouragement, huh?

    Well, thanks for listening. I hope everyone does well and exceeds their goals for 2011.

    Take care,

    (GO BEARS!!!)

    Ah Man, I did the same thing!!! I was down in the 20s for fat %. Went to see my trainer and up 10-15 lbs and 15% fat. ARGH!!

    I cried, we talked............and now me and MY buck twentyfive trainer are going to kick my azz!! :laugh:

    Believe me you CAN do this!!!! WOOT!! GO US!
  • srindal
    srindal Posts: 33
    you can do this!!!! :D Be strong!