
kiekokay Posts: 101 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Are there any other students out there, particularly grad students? I am working on my dissertation and am finding it to be my biggest block in both exercise and weight loss. How am I supposed to a) engage in exercise, and b) refrain from boredom/emotional eating when I sit on my butt in my office typing and researching away all day long?!

Help me fellow scholars!!!


  • lemmyhead
    lemmyhead Posts: 116 Member
    I know where you are coming from!
    When I was in my final year of uni, I was spending 16 hours a day at a computer and so easily lost track of eating and exercise!
    Some things I have learnt and try to maintain since then:
    1 - Keep a glass or small water bottle nearby - it will empty quicker than a large bottle, you'll get a tiny sense of achievement when you finish another part of your 8+ glasses of water per day , and you'll get small breaks when you need to re-fill it.
    2 - Get a timer application for your computer, set regular, planned intervals for your meal and snack and excercise breaks.
    3 - Find small/short, but intense workout options to do in breaks from study...I used to power walk to the shop and get some fruit and get back to my desk within a 30 minute break! (have since found Jillian Michaels 30 day shred .. It is a little over 30 minutes for a great work out!)

    Anyway, these might not work so well for other people, but I have found they really help for me! Hope this gives you some ideas to help you out!
  • I am working on my associates currently. My block from over eating is to cut grapes in half and keep a small bowl near me. but not to near- i like to have to stretch to reach them (so i dont grab as often). then if I do snack it is healthy- and cutting them in half I feel I am eating more then I really am.
    I havent much time for exercise during the week- being a single mom and student makes it tough, so i do a tone of walking on the weekend. even if i have to do it while doing the weekly shopping- going down every single isle at wal-mart can help burn calories.
  • Disciplined74
    Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
    I just finished a JD (law degree) and I have to say that I didn't have MFP while doing it but I can look back and see where taking breaks to eat better and exercise would have helped.

    Fruits and veggies as snack breaks will be much more beneficial than junk. They will make you feel better, clear your brain, and give you the energy to keep going.

    And I would force yourself to get up and walk 1 mile every hour or find a routine that will allow you to get up and away from the computer for about 10 minutes every hour. You are going to need this time to promote healthy circulation anyway. And I think the mental benefits will be a payoff.

    Hint - if you are really on a roll take a tape recorder with you so you can record your thoughts on where you want your paper or research to go.

    Another hint - I have a shoe box in the fridge. (It's just a clear plastic container that cost a dollar at the Dollar General or Walmart). In that box I have homemade 100 calorie packs. One of my favorites is cereal. So I prepackage into baggies 100 calories worth. But you can do the same thing with veggies, fruits, or your favorite other snacks. The goal is (1) when you are just needing a snack then you have healthy options and (2) when you do go snack you aren't packing on calories. At 100 each you aren't doing much damage.

    I wish you the best on the paper and your health journey. It's just a matter of preplanning for each goal.

    Keep up the good work. You are doing great !

    - Eva
  • soysos
    soysos Posts: 187 Member
    it gets even harder when you pay your way through working 45-50 hours a week to ungodly hours of the morning working in a fast food restaurant.
  • I am also a grad student and I definitely agree that the lifestyle can facilitate problematic eating habits.

    VERY minty sugar-free gum helps me a lot. I find that if I'm chewing it I don't crave food quite as much -- I chew many, maaany pieces per day.

    Tea with lemon helps me a lot too -- warmness in my belly fills me up. Not at the time that I'm drinking it, but about 30 minutes later.

    I also keep pre-portioned 150-calorie ziploc bags of nuts and/or dried fruit in my office drawers. If I get swimmy/woozy from a blood sugar problem it's easy to grab one and not feel guilty.

    Cheese flavored rice cakes, pirate booty and cucumber slices are my friends for when I'm craving something salty. I eat about one or two hundred calories' worth and drink a big glass of water and it fills me up.

    Cinnamon flavored rice cakes, apple (or other fruit) slices and sugar free dried blueberries (from trader joe's) are my friends for my sweet-craving times. Again with a glass of water.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    I find that it is helpful to get on a schedule and try to incorporate working out into the work day (which is one of the nice things about being a student - we work long hours, but sometimes we can get away for an hour at the gym in the middle of the day) - put a workout class or a trip to the gym or a run on your calendar and then treat it like any other meeting that you have to go to.
  • lulu_beans
    lulu_beans Posts: 100 Member
    All of these are great ideas! I will definitely begin using some of them to help me out too!

    I got a dog when I was in college, so I was forced to take her out for a walk. She helped me stay in shape, and is now a great friend, who I am utilizing to get back in shape!

    Going back again for a new degree, with 2 kids, I still find the dog helpful, but I also keep 100-150 calorie packs of snacks in the fridge and desk drawers. Make your own, they are less expensive. I also make sure that I get up every hour to hour and a half for a 10-15 minute break, which I spend walking around the house/office.

    Yeah, it's hard. I commend you for making the commitment and wish you all the best!
  • kiekokay
    kiekokay Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks guys, all great ideas!! I really like all the premade 100 calorie pack suggestions, what a great idea!
  • I am a nursing student, I know how it feels to be chained to a desk! Here are my tips...some are similar to what others have posted.

    1- have a water bottle or tea near by. I just need something to do while studying, so sipping from a water bottle or drinking some really good tea is a great for me!
    2- get out of the house! Go to the library, coffee shop, or book store. I go to Carabiou and get a medium tea, only $2 and I am not wasting any calories!
    3- make sure you take breaks every 45-60min, but avoid the kitchen. Go for a quick walk around the block, do some laundry, run the to store.

    Hope this helps! GL
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