loose skin...does anything help or just patience?

So I've lost almost a total 50 lbs but very slowly, and recently I've started to notice some loose skin. I read that it can take your body some time to catch up to your weight loss and it'll shrink back. Has anyone found this true and also did exercise and lifting help?


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Creams cannot help. The reason it's looser is not a superficial one and cannot be fixed with superficial treatment. Those creams are a scam. Lifting won't make your skin more elastic, but if you build muscle, it might take up more space, making the skin less floopy.

    Patience might help. It may tighten up over time. Being younger helps, your skin is more elastic when you're young.

    I already have some loose skin. I'm trying to handle it in a mature, rational way. :)
  • Archerychickge
    Archerychickge Posts: 606 Member
    There are some creams that can help rebuild the collagen levels in your skin. Go to the Dr. Oz website, they did a show a while back about it and there are some that will help with loose skin and cellulite... but it WON'T get rid of it entirely. It can help the appearance of it some.

    I would try the dry brush technique Dr Oz mentions on his website also. It's a temporary fix but it does plump up the skin a little so it appears less bumpy and saggy.

    You might also look into some supplements for hair, skin & nails. I take Biotin daily and that may help with regenerating healthy cells in the skin.

    Wish I could help more...
  • iheartinsanity
    iheartinsanity Posts: 205 Member
    Sometimes surgery is your only option. I lost the majority of my weight between 2009-2010 (92lbs. lost in 12 months, the last 8lbs. came off within 13 months - so 100lbs. total in 13 months) and about 5.5 years later it's still there. I definitely look WAY better than what I did back then. I've done every type of exercise (heavy lifting, running, barre, crossfit, insanity, p90x, etc.) I possibly can. I wouldn't waste $$ on creams. If you can afford surgery in the future, do it. If you're against that kind of thing, I'd just deal with the skin the best you can. To me, it's a risk I'm willing to take one day (to get the skin removed).
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    I wrote this a few weeks ago about my loose skin. Check it out.

  • Jbarbo01
    Jbarbo01 Posts: 240 Member
    Thanks for referencing your post! It sounds like itll be a reality anyone who loses weight has to deal with but loose skin is certainly better than early heart disease or diabetes. Thanks for putting it in perspective!
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Not everybody ends up with it I suppose, but it is more common than not. Most that I've seen without it are still in their early 20's...

    Good luck!
  • astroophys
    astroophys Posts: 175 Member
    Great info on skin health at Oregon State University's website: http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/skin.html

    And according to their research institute, topical creams can help as long as they provide certain micronutrients.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    One of the skin's biggest functions, as an organ, is to act as a barrier.

    Before you pay money for toning creams, ask a respectable dermatologist if that cream will be able to get through to where it says it goes and do what it says it'll do.

    You'll probably save a fortune in cream money by paying the dermatologist. :)
  • astroophys
    astroophys Posts: 175 Member
    One of the skin's biggest functions, as an organ, is to act as a barrier.

    Before you pay money for toning creams, ask a respectable dermatologist if that cream will be able to get through to where it says it goes and do what it says it'll do.

    You'll probably save a fortune in cream money by paying the dermatologist. :)

    Great advice!
  • keelybird57
    keelybird57 Posts: 63 Member
    I was a massage therapist for over a decade. Here's what I was taught: Skin is the largest organ of the body, but the last to receive nutrients. Nutrients keep it healthy. As a MT, I know that massage brings blood to the skin -- which carry nutrients. So anything that helps keep the skin supplied with nutrients will help. I like to dry brush my skin every day just to get blood circulating at the surface. Using a loofa when you bathe, dry off briskly with a towel, massage when applying body lotion would all help.

    I'm not promising anything. But I personally think it helps.

    For me, at my age, I'm saving for post-weight loss surgery. Dry brushing and massage don't work miracles. :smile:
  • TheUnwritten
    TheUnwritten Posts: 158 Member
    Loose skin is on the things I wished would have disappeared when I lost my weight unfortunately its still there. Surgery is the only option and thats never going to happen cost way too much. I just left my self get way to big and these are the battle scars. I've started a bulk to add some muscle mass to see if I can fill the spots in atleast but I've learn to love my body regardless of how ugly I look without a shirt.
  • Seriously you can tighten the loose skin. It doesn't happen overnight though but the weight didn't go on overnight either did it. My older sister in her fifties with one child used a wrap. It claimed to tighten, tone & firm and guess what it did check it out http://youwrapyoulose.myitworks.com
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    sacha0728 wrote: »
    Seriously you can tighten the loose skin. It doesn't happen overnight though but the weight didn't go on overnight either did it. My older sister in her fifties with one child used a wrap. It claimed to tighten, tone & firm and guess what it did check it out http://youwrapyoulose.myitworks.com
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    I was a massage therapist for over a decade. Here's what I was taught: Skin is the largest organ of the body, but the last to receive nutrients. Nutrients keep it healthy. As a MT, I know that massage brings blood to the skin -- which carry nutrients. So anything that helps keep the skin supplied with nutrients will help. I like to dry brush my skin every day just to get blood circulating at the surface. Using a loofa when you bathe, dry off briskly with a towel, massage when applying body lotion would all help.

    I'm not promising anything. But I personally think it helps.

    For me, at my age, I'm saving for post-weight loss surgery. Dry brushing and massage don't work miracles. :smile:
    I have to crack up with you here. I, too, spend time massaging my skin so the blood will show up.

    I know it won't help. I STILL do it, lol.

    It can't hurt! :)
  • Piper911
    Piper911 Posts: 46 Member
    I've used the it works wraps for this. I know they are not popular here and I do NOT think they make you lose weight or even the amount of inches they claim, but for me at least I saw a noticeable difference and liked the way they felt. Again, not a miracle fix, but worth it to me at times. And I do not and have never sold them : ) other than that patience and a lot of water!
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    The younger you are and the smaller the loss, the less of an issue you should have. In your 20s with less than 60(?) lbs. to lose, I think you'll have no problem at all with loose skin, given a little time. : )
  • I have lost over 300 pounds and have found that velshape treatments are heaven sent