don't want to fail

ebonybliss Posts: 39
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I have tried it all! Working out/ weight watchers starving myself and I always get discouraged because I love to eat so I fail. Mfp looks like its an awesome plan and I am more than ready to change my life and the way that I look. Can I get some advice or helpful words? I'm a stay at home mom in college. Online so I tend to eat whenever i want and thats not good. Please help!


  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    Hi, and welcome to MFP! All I can say is keep coming back here every day, take it one day at a time. Plan out your meals and eat healthy foods. You want to have to change, it's a mental deal and yes, you will make mistakes but most importantly, get back up and keep working at it. This site offers so much love and support. I have a long journey a head and this site helps me so much, the people on here are wonderful and very helpful. Make small changes and start over everyday! Believe in yourself and that you can do this. Believing is seeing! Goodluck and add me as friend if you like. Take care.
  • Lindyteach
    Lindyteach Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome! Try one small change at a time and stick with it until it becomes a habit then add another change. One thing I did was a simple rule of nothing sweet until after lunch which effectively stopped me from eating sugar for half the day. I find this easy now. Another change I added in later on was no potato chips ever again. I haven't had any since last July and I don't miss them at all. Try some of your own but make each change small, one at a time, and congratulate yourself hugely with every success.
  • Debtappe
    Debtappe Posts: 164 Member
    I think that mfp is a no-fail site. There will be days when you don't stay within the weight loss calorie limit but if you stick with the program and keep logging your food you will see results. My suggestion is to set up your goals to lose around a pound a week because you get a bit more food every day. I noticed how much some people lose and personally, I don't want to feel deprived. I lost a pound a week for the first 3 weeks and then I didn't lose anything for 3 weeks but since then I have been losing around a pound a week. If you know you are going to a party where you will be faced with lots of food and drinks just workout a bit extra during the day and then stay within your bmr calorie limit or your maintenance limit and you should do well. There are some great "newbie" articles in the community boards - I think they may be in the general weight loss section. One says "Links in MFP that you want to read..." and the other says "Newbies read this first" or some such thing. The people here are wonderful and so supportive.
  • Awesome advice!! It all means so much thanx!!!!
  • hi, i am a newbie here. i am not overweight but neither am i as fit as i hope. i have an office job, so i'm sitting 8-10 hours a day. and then i spend 4-5 hours in subways and 8 hours in bed. my boss is not a mean guy but he doesnt like seeing me workout my way through my works so i cant sneak a workout into my job in office, and i'm not really comfortable with doing so, what with all the men around me in the office who are having hard time not looking when a woman walks let alone stretches or etc...(lol).
    so i am sooooo depressed cause i used to have a shaped body and looked ver se'xy. i used to jog, do yoga and work out regulary but now i am either so tired that go straight to bed or always so hungry and devouring all the snacks around the office!!!
    So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me. i want my shaped body back! :((
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