Glycogen Stores

Is it necessary to have glycogen stores constantly depleted in order for the body to burn fat? Is it more effective to maintain some glycogen since it is a preferred bodily fuel over fat?


  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    During exercise the body uses both glycogen and fat. The proportion used depends on the intensity of the exercise. Low carb proponents say to deplete your glycogen and go into ketosis to burn optimum fat. But you can also lose fat without doing this.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Don't overcomplicate things.

    Eat a little less.
    Move a little more.
    Notice that I said a little - you don't need to overdo things, either.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    Is it necessary to have glycogen stores constantly depleted in order for the body to burn fat? Is it more effective to maintain some glycogen since it is a preferred bodily fuel over fat?

    Unless your into bodybuilding and are bulking I wouldn't be thinking about glycogen stores.
  • bokaba
    bokaba Posts: 171 Member
    Thank you for your input. I was confused and under the impression that you could not burn fat unless your glycogen stores were completely and constantly depleted.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Like others stated, don't over think it.
    A deficit will work wonders.

    Only if you are getting ready to step on stage to compete, should things like glycogen stores be of concern.....
    And even then, you have to know the reasoning behind depleting them. :wink:
  • Is it necessary to have glycogen stores constantly depleted in order for the body to burn fat? Is it more effective to maintain some glycogen since it is a preferred bodily fuel over fat?

    Unless your into bodybuilding and are bulking I wouldn't be thinking about glycogen stores.
    I think this is a gross generalization, a person engaged in endurance activities (marathon training, long distance cycling) to get in shape needs to be concerned with glycogen stores and may not necessarily be bulking or bodybuilding. Hitting the wall sucks but managing it correctly paramount to survival.
  • Negative_X
    Negative_X Posts: 296 Member
    Is it necessary to have glycogen stores constantly depleted in order for the body to burn fat? Is it more effective to maintain some glycogen since it is a preferred bodily fuel over fat?

    Don't worry about and keep it simple.

    Move more, eat less. The weight will come off.