Any Night Shifters Out There?

Hi everyone. I started working in a hospital about 9 months ago and gained about 12lbs. My biggest issue is I work nights 3 days a week, 12 hour shifts and I work days a couple of days a week. I find I am having a hard time adjusting my food from nights to days and what to eat when in order to not completely mess up my body. I started doing shakes and protein bars at night rather than a meal and that seems to be helping tons. Anyone out there have any advice I would love to hear it! Happy losing! :)


  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    Me! Working nights is how I gained a ton of weight both times. I've been on nights for a year now this time around and I'm only just starting to feel motivated enough to get back on track. I'm the night manager so I won't be on days any time soon. You kind of need to accept it and work with what you've got. Figure out your day shift eating schedule and figure out your night shift schedule and just DO them. Once your body learns that this is your new normal it will adjust.

    Don't worry so much about what time your eating so much as WHAT you're eating. The only bit of time I think about in relation to food is that I eat roughly every 2-3 hours over 12 hours a day. The rest is gap time on either side of sleep, and sleep. I find this keeps me from randomly grabbing chips and candy constantly at night. I'm a hotel night manager so I get bored and eat.
    Doing it this way I still feel like I'm constantly eating but it's all perfectly controlled. No hunger pangs, no feelings of deprivation. "oh it's 3am im by myself and I'm bored? Oh look, it's time for delicious hot buffalo wings that fit into my calories and help me reach my protein goal. Mmmmm hot wings..."

    I'm trying to not kick myself for realizing how easy it would be earlier.
  • sportymom4404
    sportymom4404 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you very much! I did not realize I was eating so much at night until a couple of weeks ago when I put my scrubs on and realized they are way tighter in spots than they were when I bought them. I figured I needed to avoid the cafeteria that is open until 2:00am and focus on eating healthy. The protein shakes and bars have helped me control the "I'm bored" which is good. I appreciate the feedback and good luck to you on your journey!!
  • losttogain
    losttogain Posts: 84 Member
    Packing food can really help with that. I've been working in the hospital for a few weeks and not giving myself the option to go get something crappy to eat when i bring my own food has helped me tremendously to stay on track!

    Good luck!
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    You're very welcome! We have a snack store at the hotel. It has been my undoing *shakes head*. I now male sure to plan out my meals for work.
  • addbmp
    addbmp Posts: 13 Member
    I alternate between midnights and 4-12's. bringing my food always helps and I act like the chips/candy/chocolate bars on the second floor are not there. lol I am determined to stick to being healthy for this winter season!
  • sportymom4404
    sportymom4404 Posts: 7 Member
    I have found over the last week that my protein/meal replacement shakes and protein bars are working great. They are keeping me full and definitely keeping my mind off of the junk downstairs. On Saturday night the charge nurse ordered pizza for everyone, I was so tempted to go and have a piece. I kept telling myself "one piece wont hurt". Instead I grabbed a large glass of water, put a piece of gum in my mouth and found something to do. After about an hour I was so proud of myself for not having a piece that I did not even care about the smell or anything. It was a huge accomplishment and a great step forward for me!!