late period

I'm sorry if this subject has been covered. Actually i know it has, but i just keep finding vague answers.
I started burning 500 calories a day, 6 days a week, almost a month ago. I am on a 1200 calorie a day diet, but usually eat back 200-300 of the calories I burned. Essentially making it more like a 1400-1500 calorie a day diet.
I'm 5th 5 in, and weigh about 160. My question is, is this enough to make my period stop?
Most answers I've come across say "excessive exercise" will cause it, but no one really defines excessive. I also read it isn't the exercising per say, but fat %.
Hubby and I are trying to conceive so seeing as I'm 3 days late, I just wondered if it was the exercise.
Yes, I've taken tests, but it was about a week ago and might have been too early.
Just curious :-) any help is appreciated!


  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member
    Your level of exercise isn't "excessive" by any stretch of the imagination. Excessive is more like competitive female athletes, who do tend to have low levels of bodyfat.

    Could be the change in activity level has thrown things off a bit... our bodies can be sensitive to anything new. Or maybe congratulations are in order. :wink:
  • Ok, thank you. I thought it seemed weird that it would've stopped with what I was doing, lol. I'm 40 so who knows what's going on, lol. I did have a baby 2 years ago, so hoping all my eggs aren't scrambled yet, lol. We shall see!
  • KatJ_NZ
    KatJ_NZ Posts: 31 Member
    Just be aware that what you are doing is not a 1400-1500cal diet, it's more like a 1000cal diet if you are eating 1200, burning 500, and only eating back half of that. That's almost certainly too low.

    If you've just changed up your exercise from none to a decent amount, yes it can affect your cycle. But do another test to check, because being pregnant is a possibility.