What Bad Habit Should I Drop Next Month?

I have a few bad habits that I am trying to stop and I guess the best way to do it is to put it to a vote. So the top four highest voted bad habits will be chosen and I'll go without one respectively each week of the month.

Keep in mind, if I listed a specific food (cookies) its because I can NEVER have just one - I eat til those bad boys are GONE. lol

Vote by replying with one of the below:

Eating Out
Diet Soda
Ice Cream

In addition to your vote, maybe offer a suggestion for a substitute or maybe something I could try for that week? My diary is public so feel free to look at it.


  • Ice cream.... I only pick this one since I've had success by trying different yogurts to see which one fills the void!
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    not interested. I only vote Republican.
  • wideturn
    wideturn Posts: 108 Member
    Ice cream.... I only pick this one since I've had success by trying different yogurts to see which one fills the void!

    I do love yogurt :D Thanks for your vote!
  • MrsSchimmy
    MrsSchimmy Posts: 255 Member
    Diet Soda

    I have no substitutions for you... I went cold turkey YEARS ago and haven't looked back since. I felt the positive effects of not having it in my diet after just a couple days.
  • diet soda.... in the long run studies are showing that it can even make you gain weight. especially if you drink a lot of it. i used to have a glass all the time. the artificial sweetener is not good for you. some of the chemicals in it aren't good for you. gives you a bloated feeling and sometimes makes you feel hungry. do the research on diet coke.. it's bad.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Self determination.

    Oh, that wasn't on the list? Is there a write in spot?
  • slvrsrfr
    slvrsrfr Posts: 45 Member
    Ice cream.

    Blended frozen bananas with a splash of milk.
  • publix brand frozen yogurt is wonderful... my husband even likes it!
  • anything in excess needs to go.... if you can't stop at what is a serving of cookies, chunk em..... you can have anything you want and lose weight. the key is moderation and not having all the things in one day that aren't good for your weight loss.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Why are you giving up any yumminess? I get the diet soda, cuz it has a weird aftertaste but the rest I'd keep.
  • eating out they give you way to much food.... i eat my salad and then half my meal and take it home for the next day. moderation... key to success!!!
  • Your welcome! Best of luck:smile:
  • Negative_X
    Negative_X Posts: 296 Member
    All of the above.

    All or nothing! :)
  • wideturn
    wideturn Posts: 108 Member
    Self determination.

    Oh, that wasn't on the list? Is there a write in shop spot?

    Haha my problem is that my determination comes in waves.. I get super motivated and give 110% and then something breaks and I fall straight to 0% just like that. This is a tool to help keep that motivation.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I vote for Diet Soda....I am working on this one too.

    I try these things monthly, last was ice cream. I now eat plain greek yogurt with ice cream sandwich protein powder mixed in. One month I went a little different and gave up my Snooze button in the mornings. One of the best things I have done for myself in a long time.
  • wideturn
    wideturn Posts: 108 Member
    Yes, I know that these aren't bad in moderation, but I'm not good at eating in moderation, or else I wouldn't be here xD
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    I have a few bad habits that I am trying to stop and I guess the best way to do it is to put it to a vote. So the top four highest voted bad habits will be chosen and I'll go without one respectively each week of the month.

    Keep in mind, if I listed a specific food (cookies) its because I can NEVER have just one - I eat til those bad boys are GONE. lol

    Vote by replying with one of the below:

    Eating Out
    Diet Soda
    Ice Cream

    In addition to your vote, maybe offer a suggestion for a substitute or maybe something I could try for that week? My diary is public so feel free to look at it.

    None of those are outright bad habits though. Anything in moderation is fine.

    If eating out is a problem, ask for a box and box up half of it (or more) immediately. Sometimes you can get as many as FOUR meals from one restaurant portion.

    The other stuff? As long as it's in moderation, it's OK.
  • wideturn
    wideturn Posts: 108 Member
    I vote for Diet Soda....I am working on this one too.

    I try these things monthly, last was ice cream. I now eat plain greek yogurt with ice cream sandwich protein powder mixed in. One month I went a little different and gave up my Snooze button in the mornings. One of the best things I have done for myself in a long time.

    I find that if you tackle things one at a time, it's makes everything easier and less scary haha I also find that when I take things one at a time, I focus more on meeting my goals and they actually stick with me after I meet them!
  • Solar_Cat
    Solar_Cat Posts: 188 Member
    Diet soda!

    Horrible stuff, full of harmful chemicals. Artificial sweeteners aren't good for us.
  • Definitely diet soda!