New to fitness pal

Hello everyone,

I am a 49 year old female scheduled to turn 50 this year. Since I was a young teen, I have been on every fad diet going. I even went as far as anorexia and belemia. Over the years I have developed and enjoyed fitness programs but like most people, life gets in the way. I am a single mother of twin teens and a very demanding profession. What always suffered? My fitness goals!, I went from running 10K per day for a year to not at all, what changed? my job/ kids and then desire to do it. So how do we find time and energy to do it all? I went on LA weight loss 2 years ago and found it to be one of the best lifestyle changes I have ever found and it worked. and it was realistic..low and behold, they went out of business 6 months in to the diet. I had lost 20 pounds in that time and was keeping it at bay until the socializing lifestyle kicks in (you know what I mean, Christman, New Years, Birthdays, summer time backyard gatherings). Before I knew it, I was backto where I started. Now, being 49 going on 50, the menopause has kicked in with a vengence which added 10 pounds in a matter of weeks. I am committed to this program as it only gets worse unless we get ahold of it now. I am very anxious for this program to be an app on Blackberry so I can take it with me on business.:laugh:
Good luck everyone...we can do it...


  • queenlulu
    I hear you! You can do it, start today and never look back. I am battling the menopause pudge myself, :laugh:
  • lauraspeciale
    I saw you say about no, that is probably the largest part to my weight. The food has never been an issue...traveling, it is amazing how many people want to go for drinks to discuss...I am off all alcohol for the next 4 weeks...ugggg...
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I am available for a friend request.