Exercise everyday. Yes or no?

avalonfloyd Posts: 44
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
This may seem like a stupid question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. Last month I only took 3 days off from working out. Now, I didn't always do the same amount everyday, sometimes I only did a half workout, or about 20 minutes. And the three days were just randomly spaced. I know you are supposed to take a day to let your muscles relax, but when I do that, I get out of my routine and don't want to work out the next day. I'm not doing weight training or anything, just elliptical and stationary bike, so I don't really feel my muscles protesting the next day, so I keep going.

What I want to know is - am I doing myself a disservice in the long run by exercising everyday? I'm seeing weight come off, just the normal pound or 2 a week, and I don't feel fatigued or sore and achy. Should I keep doing what I'm doing, or force myself to take a day off? I used to take a day off every week, but last month I didn't and I managed to squeak through Christmas with only gaining 3 pounds, which I managed to work off by January 2nd.

Any ideas or advice?


  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Cardio is ok to do everyday (elliptical, stationary bike, treadmill, etc). Strength training should not be everyday. At least not working the same areas everyday, as they need time to recover. I am not sure how long. 1-3 days? So workout different groups if you want to workout everyday.
  • 1983Miller
    1983Miller Posts: 89 Member
    Well I just started and I have to admit, taking the day off yesterday was hard, I did do some house work with cleaning bathrooms etc. That seems to burn a few calories also, but I don't see those as options on the exercise choices. I would like to say to keep going everyday I think there is a certain momentum, as long as you are not straining your muscles, maybe do an easy day like a nice walk.
  • Jones115
    Jones115 Posts: 29 Member
    Many people love to work out everyday. I have read that if you want to lose significant weight you should probably work out 7 hours a week. if you are doing 1 hour exercises that is 7 days a week. If you can handle it then it won't hurt you at all. However, I do think you should do some strength training to keep your skin from flabbing. i'm sure you don't want that. Try doing some strength training 2 to 3 times a week. 1 day for abs, 1 for arms and upper body, 1 for legs, butt, hamstrings (lower body) On days you do strength training I read that you should only do about 45 minutes of high intensity exercise. Low intensity will burn fat and muscle. Hope this helps.
  • my vote is yes.....I try to do something everyday, because I cannot skip a day and still feel that I am in a "routine". I try to do the wii or JM 30DS or treadmill. I have a HRM so I try to get my rate up and burn 125-150 calories( I know that is not much compared to some, but I am 60 and WAY out of shape) at least once a day. I don't know if it is what you are "supposed" to do, so I will be interested to see what others say.
  • geregam
    geregam Posts: 17 Member
    I think it really depends on your current fitness level. If you are just starting an exercise regime, and you push it every day, you're going to hurt, period. Muscle soreness and fatigue are the two most common symptoms.

    Here's the best example I can think of: January 2, your local gym is FULL of people starting there new "resolution" to lose weight and get fit. By February or March, those 90% of those people are gone. If you start by sprinting, you'll tire quickly, hurt yourself, and stop working out.

    The short answer: Yes, you can exercise every day, if you work up to it.

    Should you strength train every day? No. Cardio every day? Yes, but, you'd better mix it up, because you'll get bored/hurt doing the same thing 7 days a week. I usually try to go 5-6 days a week, but, if I have the opportunity, I typically try to do something fun, like basketball/volleyball/some other group activity. They gym gets boring for everyone, and it's important to keep you fitness routine interesting, otherwise you won't do it.
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    you can do card everyday but just have to be cardio of overtraining. you could just pick one day out of the week to do a very light spin on the bike or walk on a treadmill at low speed. keep your self moving. if you are feeling very tired all the time, have a hRd time exercising at the same level as a couple days prior or your resting heart rate when you wake up is higher than normal then you might want to take a day off and let the body rest. For people that are training for competitive events they need to take some time off because the body does still need to rest and rebuild.
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