Looking for support and encouragment

mom2cebab Posts: 6
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi my name is Stefanie. I am a military wife and mother of 5. My goal is to lose 100 pounds. It seems so daunting. In September of 09 I was diagnosed with Lupus. The doctors put me on steriods and trials of several different medications, that did nothing for me, but make my body ballon. Between September 09 and August 10 I gained 60 lbs. I feel awful. I have stopped all medication for now and I am looking to hopefully make my body healthy again. I had great sucess with Weight Watchers after baby #4, but I tried it again in September and after two months had only lost 4 lbs and that was with great struggle. I think MFP is great. I love the forums with wonderfully supportive people. I am hoping to make new friends and be able to have a support team to help me do this.!!


  • good luck on your weight loss goals:smile:
  • Nice to see you here! You can do this! :wink:
  • You gotta sick to it, girl! I know it's tough, but it can be done!!! Don't expect great results overnight. . .if you work hard, you will lose weight!!! Weight Watchers is a wonderful tool, but MFP is great too. I plan my meals, and that works well for me. If I don't plan ahead and buy healthy foods, I won't eat right. Set yourself up for success!
  • Thank you guys! I am glad you all are here to support me. My most difficult obstacle is my two oldest children. They want me to eat what they are eating and are not understanding I have a set plan for my days food. I feed my family pretty healthy, but they eat alot more frequently than I do. I know I can do this ,I just need to stop thinking ahead so much.
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