Body fat scales

So there's one of those height/weight/body fat machines in the local pharmacy. I've used it once before about seven weeks ago out of curiosity, and today I used it again. It came out as 27.5%

Apparently my body fat percentage has dropped from the previous measurement by 11.2%. :laugh:

So, in a fit of curiosity, boredom, needing to get out more or whatever...I've been crunching some numbers.

Taking the body fat percentages as accurate :huh: , my lean body mass has increased from 92lbs to 106lbs. My recommended weight range for my height is from 98lbs to 134lbs. So, at the recommended weight, assuming my lean body mass remains at the current figure of 106lbs, I would need to get a body fat percentage of 20% to be at a BMI of 25 - borderline overweight.

At the mid-point between the lowest and highest BMI ranges listed as healthy weight, I'd have a body fat of 8.6%.

Body fat of 8% is usually considered to be essential fat on a woman.

So basically, those scales are useless for measuring body fat and BMI doesn't make sense either. Think of the exercise I could have done while I was working that out. :bigsmile: