Pardon my ignorance but...



  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Someone mentioned kool-aid, we always had that.

    But, was the Kool Aid cold? We always had warm F*ing Kool aid on picnics, and this thread is now giving me flashbacks.

  • bluntlysally
    bluntlysally Posts: 150 Member
    Someone mentioned kool-aid, we always had that.

    But, was the Kool Aid cold? We always had warm F*ing Kool aid on picnics, and this thread is now giving me flashbacks.

    wasn't for picnics - that wouldn't really be an "everyday" thing to mention... *shakes head*
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    my daughters were raised in the same manner as you describe. Eating healthy. guess what ! When they grew up and were on their own in college. They ate what they had been "deprived" of when growing up. Good luck :-) now I say give and take

    yeah -__-
    apparently there's this thing called 'free will' :ohwell:

    when you have kids, you'll understand with painful clarity why parents appear to do things that seem irrational to non-parents
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    That's what parents are supposed to do..............set limits.


    We have some junk and sweets in the house. The kids eat them. In moderation. Because we set limits, because we are PARENTS.

    My hubs is popping movie theater popcorn right now. I'm low-carb. I love that *kitten*. Am I going to touch it? Heck no! Because I have learned to control myself. "They brought it in the house" is a cop-out excuse to me. Doesn't fit in with your way of eating? Don't eat it. No calories left? Don't eat it. To me, it's that simple. Eyes on the prize.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    That's what parents are supposed to do..............set limits.


    We have some junk and sweets in the house. The kids eat them. In moderation. Because we set limits, because we are PARENTS.

    My hubs is popping movie theater popcorn right now. I'm low-carb. I love that *kitten*. Am I going to touch it? Heck no! Because I have learned to control myself. "They brought it in the house" is a cop-out excuse to me. Doesn't fit in with your way of eating? Don't eat it. No calories left? Don't eat it. To me, it's that simple. Eyes on the prize.

    I'll also agree with this :drinker:
    I'm T2D, and I happily subsist on < 20g of carbs per day.

    That doesn't mean I don't make mashed potatoes for my kids, and all the yummy stuff that no longer fits into my long range health plan.

    However, I can see how some people can 'mourn' for the days of enjoying less personal responsibility. That can make a person cranky till they get a handle on it :ohwell:

    Some folks are still working through some stuff I guess.
  • chouflour
    chouflour Posts: 193 Member
    I don't have kids so people are going to have to pardon my ignorance about this but it is really driving me nuts. I don't post often but I skim through the boards on a regular basis and I see a lot of parents on MFP who have a problem of their kids or spouse tempting their diet with all this unhealthy food. Like Doritos or Cookies, Cupcakes. Whatever. And every time I read that my knee jerk reaction is why did you buy it in the first place? If it is too unhealthy for you to eat on a regular basis then why would you allow your kid to eat it on a regular basis?

    My kid and spouse and I all have different nutritional needs. He eats low carb, high fat and spends 2 hours a day commuting by bicycle. She's mostly vegetarian, a black belt candidate (8 hours of martial arts this week) and an active swimmer - most of her foods are calorically dense. I have a defective digestive system, and have to eat mostly pureed/soft foods and small meals that are low in non-liquid fats and nearly fiber free.

    It isn't that they tempt me. It's that I'm tempted by the foods they eat. They're delicious. They're nutritious (mostly). But if I eat them, I'll feel like crap. So I look, and sometimes I take a me-appropriate portion. And sometimes i have an inappropriate portion and deal with the fallout. It's worse when I visit my mother. She's on a high fiber, low-sugar diet. The food tastes good, but I just can't eat it.

    I'm trying really hard to get my head around all my nutritional tenets being turned on their head. I struggle with the new diet. It would be easier for me if there wasn't all this food around I shouldn't eat. But I have to live in the real world with temptation and risk someday, and it may as well be today.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    That's what parents are supposed to do..............set limits.


    We have some junk and sweets in the house. The kids eat them. In moderation. Because we set limits, because we are PARENTS.

    My hubs is popping movie theater popcorn right now. I'm low-carb. I love that *kitten*. Am I going to touch it? Heck no! Because I have learned to control myself. "They brought it in the house" is a cop-out excuse to me. Doesn't fit in with your way of eating? Don't eat it. No calories left? Don't eat it. To me, it's that simple. Eyes on the prize.

    I'll also agree with this :drinker:
    I'm T2D, and I happily subsist on < 20g of carbs per day.

    That doesn't mean I don't make mashed potatoes for my kids, and all the yummy stuff that no longer fits into my long range health plan.

    However, I can see how some people can 'mourn' for the days of enjoying less personal responsibility. That can make a person cranky till they get a handle on it :ohwell:

    Some folks are still working through some stuff I guess.

    Exactly. My whole family eats potatoes, or rice, or pasta, or popcorn, or the occasional sweet. I make those for them. I just don't eat it. At first it bugged me, mostly carb withdrawal, but I honestly am not upset about it all. I don't cry over it. I'm happy with my way of life now. It's all good. Very happy with the 47lbs I've lost. And I'm all about eradicating the other 43 and I want them to GTFO. It's called sacrifice. It's what needs to happen to lose weight. Whether you sacrifice junk, or carbs, or calories, or all three, sacrifice is required.