18 yr old girl looking for support

Hi Im Helen 18 I suffer from BDD I always look in the mirror and think if only i was slimmer.
I am just in the green zone of my BMI dangerously close to going into the overweight section and if i had support to get back into the healthy section of the green zone i may feel better in myself
Any support would be great


  • RainyDayProphet
    It sounds like you already have the heart and drive to get where you want to be. I'm happy to join your cheering section, but with your drive it sounds like you're already on your way :)
  • dlubold3
    dlubold3 Posts: 11 Member
    :) I'm 20 yo, and am looking for the same.. I'm just in the overweight and trying to get healthy and tone, and loose my love handles! You're welcome to add me for continuious support!
  • paul_b
    paul_b Posts: 1
    I am looking to help!!!
