

  • briebuck
    briebuck Posts: 35 Member
    weight loss isnt the same for everyone - we should all know this by now....... negativity is never nice or helpful. if you are concerned then stop posting here and watch the food diaries - if someone is starving themselves say something !
  • alligatorrawr
    alligatorrawr Posts: 144 Member
    I'm in, I just started this 2 weeks ago and I'm down 7 pounds. If I don't lose 15 then oh well, it'd be fun to try! ( and I have plenty weight to lose :) ) so my goal is 220 by halloween!! heck yes let's do this.
  • OutOfShape28
    im in . i have 100lbs to lose. so YES 15lbs IN 1 MONTH IS POSSIBLE AND HEALTHY. stop bashing her people. motivation is very important for people who have so much to lose. i have been given goals like this by nutritionists... go bash someone who is already smaller and thinks they will starve themselves to a big fast wieght loss. to a 100+ to lose person 15lbs is the same % as 5 or 10lbs..........

    Thanks for your support here I really appreciate it!! Some people can just be so negative....no wonder why people end up failing is because we keep getting little digs that goals like these are not possible or it is too unhealthy. It all depends on how much weight you have to lose....
  • OutOfShape28
    No - we are not going to take our negative comments elsewhere. Its upsetting that every day people who don't bother reading and researching how to make healthy lifestyle changes come up with challenges like this. Do what you want with your body but don't encourage others to do the same. You have a great opportunity here to succeed in your weight loss if you follow advice and best scientific evidence avail be to date.

    If you having nothing nice to say don't say it at all!! This was created so we can have some fun, get motivated and inspire each other on our weight loss. 5 pounds in one month is not considered unhealthy as long as you have enough weight to lose then I don't see the problem. Even if its is 15 pounds in a month....this is possible as some people may have loads of weight to lose.......so bow out!!!

    Don't dampen our spirits just because you think you cant lose 5 - 15 pounds in a month!!

    People know the only way to lose weight is eating in moderation and exercising....I am not promoting an unhealthy way of dieting!! Just simply creating a challenge that will be fun but has the benefits of pushing each other on to lose weight and keep going.
  • OutOfShape28
    The heavier you are the more pounds you're going to loose. Take the show The biggest Looser, the first week they all loose a big amount of weight. Some even lost 20lbs!! They had professionals help along the way. They lost it due to diet and workouts. You're telling me that's unhealthy? I just think that people like to criticize others when they haven't had their own success! At least I am trying new ways to improve myself and not just ignoring my weight problem.
  • robinschwalb
    robinschwalb Posts: 58 Member
    Hi I will try for the 5 lbs in October, not sure if I can do it but will sure give it a try.
  • alligatorrawr
    alligatorrawr Posts: 144 Member
    Hi I will try for the 5 lbs in October, not sure if I can do it but will sure give it a try.

    that's my method too! I am going to try for 15 but if I don't make 15 at least I tried!! :)
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    Just fyi, the reason that most ppl lose a ton of weight the first week or month is that they lose a bunch of water weight. After that, weight loss slows down. I lost 11 lbs the first month i started, now I'm down to roughly 5 lbs a month.

    By the way, there is a monthly challenge that goes on in the Motivation & Support thread called "Lose 5 lbs in ___"...everyone sets their own goals, weighs in once a week, and encourages the other people in the thread. If that sounds like something you'd like you do instead of starting an entirely new challenge, i encourage you to look it up in the Motivation and support thread. Good luck
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    *SMH* Good luck with that.