5'9 ladies, does ANYONE want to be in the 120s?



  • mhollencamp102012
    mhollencamp102012 Posts: 165 Member
    My mom was 5 9 and 127 and she was very very thin, but i do believe it all depends on your body type. if you're at 140 work your way down, if your are starting to look/feel to thin......then stop......just dont over do it
  • pbandbananas1996
    pbandbananas1996 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 5'9.5 and currently 126. Trying to gain weight because, although my BMI isn't dangerously low, 126 just looks toooo skinny on my frame.

    So, it all depends on your build. If you're a small frame, you might look alright but be careful. Make sure you're healthy, have enough energy, still menstruate, all that stuff.
  • clwasmer
    clwasmer Posts: 57 Member
    Me, Me, Me I like the Lady above has very small frame and 5'9, wrists a little less then 6 inches. I was always in the 120s and then hypothyroidism hit a few years ago and I was up too 158 which is my hips and stomach UGH!!. Everything in my middle :(. I am at 147 now and my goal is 136 by November when we go to St. Augustine :). I would so love to be my old weight but I have to keep it real and know that although I am eating under (most days of my 1200 cals.) it has taken me forever to get to where I am at now. I am so grateful for getting past the 150 mark :). As the ladies said it depends on your frame and your happiness :) My hubby is losing weight leaps & bounds ( bless his lil heart):ohwell:
  • alligatorrawr
    alligatorrawr Posts: 144 Member
    Me, Me, Me I like the Lady above has very small frame and 5'9, wrists a little less then 6 inches. I was always in the 120s and then hypothyroidism hit a few years ago and I was up too 158 which is my hips and stomach UGH!!. Everything in my middle :(. I am at 147 now and my goal is 136 by November when we go to St. Augustine :). I would so love to be my old weight but I have to keep it real and know that although I am eating under (most days of my 1200 cals.) it has taken me forever to get to where I am at now. I am so grateful for getting past the 150 mark :). As the ladies said it depends on your frame and your happiness :) My hubby is losing weight leaps & bounds ( bless his lil heart):ohwell:

    in the most unweird way I love you. I think it's what you say and how you say it haha! I did want to say have fun in St. Augustine!! it's wonderful there!!
  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    When I was 5'9 I was like 128-140 and I looked good.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    At 5'7" I looked terrible at 130 lbs. I fit in a 7 jeans ( the waist was lose but had bruises on my hip bones from rubbing). My goal is between 140-155. Really depends on your bone structure.

    Interesting how different we all are. I'm 5'7" and 130 pounds and I think I'm just about right. I start to look sickly in the low 120's and a bit bloated in the low 140's. I know people who weigh 20 pounds more than me (at a similar height) and wear smaller sizes. Humans are so diverse...:smile:
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    Have you talked to your doctor to see if s/he thinks that would be a healthy weight for you?

    ETA: Is it possible you have a high body fat % and need to work on composition, not weight loss?
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    I'm 5'9", and for me, I doubt anything under 140 would be healthy. I was 152 at my lowest, and I looked great and was comfortable in a size 6, but I could never maintain much lower than that. I do have a medium-large frame, though. If you still want to lose fat, concentrate on building muscle and lowering your body fat %. Anything under 125 is considered underweight as far as BMI, so please don't compare yourself to fashion models, or try to emulate them!
  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
    Im almost 5 10 and my lowest was 155.4, I looked sickly at that weight. My focus this time is strong and not skinny, with the goal around 170 -175
  • clare120
    clare120 Posts: 41 Member
    Have you talked to your doctor to see if s/he thinks that would be a healthy weight for you?

    ETA: Is it possible you have a high body fat % and need to work on composition, not weight loss?

    I haven't talked to my doctor, I've always been in the "healthy" weight range so my doctor never brought it up. Doctors, from my experience, suggest weights for me where I know I won't be happy with the way I look. I haven't brought up the 120-128 lb thing because even though I know I won't be/appear unhealthy at that weight, she will probably discourage it simply because it doesn't match up with her charts.

    I have gotten stats done and stuff, my body fat percentage was in the 20s. I'm small framed (i think, its hard for me to measure that type of thing) and also very muscular.
  • alligatorrawr
    alligatorrawr Posts: 144 Member
    just try it, and if you feel weak or aren;t happy with your results than change up :)
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Yo are not remotely overweight, and nor are you naturally that sort of weight. If you are not naturally that weight, then it would be foolish, imo, to struggle to get down to it, given you are not at an unhealthy weight. I was 140 at 5'11 when I was 14, and decided 140 was too heavy and went on a diet as I wanted to weight the same sort of amount as other girls in my year, of shorter heights. I ended up severely anorexic and now, decades later, my weight still naturally settles back at that 140, unless I am training hard and being quite strict with my eating. If it is a weight you have to struggle to reach and maintain, it is likely you will not be able to sustain it longterm, and could even send yourself into a spiral of binge eating from trying to force your body into an unhealthy range.

    The lowest I go these days is around 131Ibs, and I am around a size 0-2 at that. I am currently a USA 2-4 at a higher weight because I do weights, and have a lower bodyfat. If it is the size that is most important to you, I suggest you forget the scale number, and work on your bodyfat via weight training or boxing fitness or somesuch.
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    A good rule of thumb is to calculate your lean body mass, figure out your goal body fat, and then figure out your ideal weight based on that. I am 5'8" and used to arbitrarily think that I needed to get into the 130s. But I also prefer how I look at about 22-23% body fat. Other prefer to be leaner which is great, but that's what works for me. At that body fat percentage, I should be about 145 lbs. That is well within the normal BMI range, so for me it is a good goal.

    This goal may be underweight. Google search for images of BF percentages, pick the woman that looks best to you, and calculate a rough goal that way. Reevaluate when you get there.
  • Strange_magic
    Strange_magic Posts: 370 Member
    Concentrate on lifting. You may not feel like it but you are at a very healthy weight. Actually whether or not you feel like it you are actually thin at that weight.

    I'm at a very similar height and weight and its taken a lot
    Of work and soul searching to be ok with where I am.
    But I am now.
    Sometimes it's a head thing and not a body thing. That made me so angry to hear but it's true.
    Eat at a deficit, exercise..: and work on the issues in your head that make you feel inadequate.

    Just remember you are beautiful as you are. Don't forget that.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Yo are not remotely overweight, and nor are you naturally that sort of weight. If you are not naturally that weight, then it would be foolish, imo, to struggle to get down to it, given you are not at an unhealthy weight. I was 140 at 5'11 when I was 14, and decided 140 was too heavy and went on a diet as I wanted to weight the same sort of amount as other girls in my year, of shorter heights. I ended up severely anorexic and now, decades later, my weight still naturally settles back at that 140, unless I am training hard and being quite strict with my eating. If it is a weight you have to struggle to reach and maintain, it is likely you will not be able to sustain it longterm, and could even send yourself into a spiral of binge eating from trying to force your body into an unhealthy range.

    The lowest I go these days is around 131Ibs, and I am around a size 0-2 at that. I am currently a USA 2-4 at a higher weight because I do weights, and have a lower bodyfat. If it is the size that is most important to you, I suggest you forget the scale number, and work on your bodyfat via weight training or boxing fitness or somesuch.

    She's right you know…

    Work on body recomposition.

    Read these.
    Want to lift heavy things?

    Stronglifts Summary

    Stronglifts Womens Group
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Like others have said, it *really* depends on body composition. At our height (Im 5'10" myself here) weight is distributed in our bodies far different than someone who is shorter for one, and the variances between us even at the same height has a wild range.

    The smallest I have been in my adult life is 135, only for a short while (because my rear end completely disappeared, my jeans literally sagged in the butt and I was devastated, I love having a huge butt LoL) and I was a size 2. But I was also super fit just due to being as active as I was...if I didnt have all that muscle on me, I could easily have weighed 10-15lbs less due to less muscle density, and still not look sick.

    BUT!!! If I did weigh 10-15 lbs less without all that muscle, I would definitely have had the skinny fat thing going on and not looked anywhere near as good.. Level of fitness makes a huge impact on how the body looks...its not a matter of weighing less, its a matter of working on building definition. I love having curves, so my goal is in the 155-165 range...from there, if I dont look the way I want, then my focus will shift from losing weight to building muscle. If I wanted to go back to being all willowy though, then I would aim for 140-150 instead. But yeah, my butt, I love my butt LOL (Hey, I live in Miami and I am Caribbean, its required!!!!)

    Just go by what feels good to you, I mean...you havn't even weighed yourself so you dont know where you are starting from, so the 120 number is pretty arbitrary.
  • olivia_june
    olivia_june Posts: 111 Member
    You say that you are already highly muscular, that tells me that you're probably already in great shape. Especially as a size 4. Remember that we are our own worst critics.

    I'm 5'9" and my goal weight is 168, I've been 170 before and I looked great. But I'm built big, broad shoulders, big feet.

    I would talk to a personal trainer and a nutritionist to make sure that you're going about your goal in a healthy way. Body dysmorphia is a common side effect of weight loss efforts.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I want to get down to around 170-ish. I'm not 100% sure if that's where I'll end up because if my body fat % is down to a healthy place before that weight is hit than I'm okay with that too. I've been told by docs that I won't be below a size 14 no matter what I do (yay super large frame with dense bones), so that's more a focus than any number on the scale.

    No one believes I'm the weight I am though so at least there's that! haha
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    OP, I agree with the others who have suggested shooting for a body composition goal versus a certain number on the scale.

    10 years ago when I was really into distance running, I got down to 135lbs (and I am also 5'9") and was a size 4-6. Now, I lift 5x/week and do cardio 2x/week and weigh probably 10lbs more, but guess what? I am still a size 4-6! The big difference is that I have WAY more muscle now than I did then. I was what we call "skinny fat", and I can tell you it is not a good look.

    PS: If I were to get down to 120lbs, I can tell you that even with a medium frame, I would look sickly.

    ETA: You mentioned having plenty of fat on your stomach, thighs and arms. If that is true, you are probably not as muscular as you think. Sorry. :frown:
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    I'm 5'7 with HUGE boobs and a sizeable bum. At 150 I look sliiiiiiim. Curvy but slender limbs and a pretty flat tummy. Seriously hot. But if I tried to get to 120 I would look like a gaunt sickly waif and it would TOTALLY freak people out. I would never be able to maintain it. I might actually have to hack off a limb to reach 120. I'm just built thicker than that. Where as my best friend is 5'8 and about 115 super slender with soft curves, but long and leggy like a colt. Absolutely gorgeous. Its nearly impossible for her to reach and stay at 120. She just can't gain and hold the weight. So i think she lives around 115 naturally but looks full and fresh and healthy.