Need advice on sedentary to fit progress.. having issues


without going into a lengthy history, i am 45 years old, female, and about 100 lbs overweight. I had recently lost about 60 lbs, but due to some health issues, have put on about 45 of that back.

last year, at around 220 or so, I had started cross fit. I went 5 days a week, and pushed hard, and after that hour, I would be so wiped out, I'd come home and couldn't move for the rest of the day. (physically wiped out). I figured I was pushing too hard by doing such intense exercise 5 days a week, and not resting, and that was the reason for my exhaustion. At least I thought. Fast forward to this week, I didn't stay with crossfit for reasons I won't go into here, but due to some health issues and extenuating circumstances, I stopped being active altogether for nearly the past year.

That brings me to today. Yesterday, I spent about 4 hours doing some things around the house that needed done, took a break every hour or so, but just trying to catch up on some needed things. Today? that same feeling of wiped out fatigue. We're talking that feeling you get when you're going on 3 hours of sleep, and you sit in your chair and before you know it, you're dozing off because you just can't stay awake.

This is extremely frustrating, because I want to be more active, but just trying to seems to wipe me out for a day after. I WANT to do more, but my body is fighting this. I have had blood work not long ago, but thyroid is normal, and basically nothing really big showed up.

I can't help but feel this isn't normal, but maybe it is? for someone who is severely sedentary, could 4 hours of housework with breaks, wipe them out for a day after? I could have easily seen myself sleeping half the day today, but it wasn't possible even if I would have let myself do this.

I just don't get it. I thought pushing yourself hard, (as I did in crossfit) would lead to becoming more fit. After doing that for weeks, I was getting more and more fatigued, not energized. Then yesterday - I was just 'moving' not doing anything vigorous - is it possible my sedentary lifestyle explains this? I just keep thinking about how people view fat people as 'lazy' but when you have absolutely no energy, how do you get out of that vicious cycle?

just want to have more energy - which will help me make better food choices and be more active ( when you're dragging, you lean towards sugar/easy boost foods, which aren't the greatest for you). thoughts?

thank you!


  • fightfqn9
    fightfqn9 Posts: 2 Member
    Like you I am about 220 and have about 100 pounds to go,(I'm short). Anyway, I get laid off during the summer months from mid May till August 25th, since I work at a university. During that time I hate admit, I did so little. Just sat around most of the time, knowing that once August rolled around between going to college and working 40+ hours I would have no life and no fun. Normally I stand on my feet all day, rushing around at work. So those months of doing so little, my body got use to the lazy lifestyle- and the first week at work just killed my feet and legs. But now I am working out several times a week as well, plus hiking around campus with a heavy backpack, etc, and my body has adjusted to the routine.

    So yes, if you are that much overweight, several hours of getting up and cleaning can make you tired. At least it did for me, You will get use to the active life again, just give it time
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member

    Please be kind to yourself and start small. You over did it with both the housework and the boot camp.

    I started with aqua fit 3 times a week. After about 4 months when my body was used to this I started doing a tread mill and weights routine the other 2 days. Yes I did it sure but slow with these also building strength and endurance over a number of months.
    After about 9 months I threw in some Pilates/ core training 2 days a week. I find the mix of activities suits me and keeps me fit.

    With your big bash at housework doing 4 hours in one day is an awful lot. You would be tired the next day. Try doing a good hour a day - even if it is 30 min work 30 min break then 30 min work it means you are getting things done without overdoing it and getting mentally and physically exhausted.
    Take it slow you will feel better and get better results.
  • HELLO,
  • You asked an important question. ´how do I get out of that vicious cycle´.

    You have to make small changes each day and gradually things will get better. If you make drastic changes you are going to have unpleasant side effects. For exercise, you are going to either get injured of feel wiped out. For dieting, if you try a crash diet, you are going to lose all your energy and become irritable.

    The secret to success is to make small, incremental improvements daily. Don´t go all crazy, either on exercising or dieting, just always do a little better than you did yesterday.

    That is how you reverse the cycle.
  • Thank you all very much!

    Pete - I think you have a point. It's just so hard to accept that I am THAT out of shape, that the simplest of tasks can make me that tired. :( It's just going to take time I guess..

    thank you so much !