Should I stop?

Maybe I am the only one with this problem, but maybe not, and I would love some input. I have noticed that the more I seem to count calories the more I actually eat, for instance, if I don't have enough room for a cookie I want, I just say screw it and eat a thousand cookies. I know this sounds stupid, but this is really how I feel...

I also have gotten on the scale and gained 5 pounds since Thursday, I weighed in the mornings both times, but my binge eating has really affected this.... Ugh!! Help!


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Cut the junk food. Have NONE for six weeks. If you don't take the first bite, you can't binge. For most people, it's just a bad habit that needs breaking.

    If you're eating food and feel like you cannot control yourself, consider seeing a therapist who specializes in eating disorders. They can help you sort through it.

    Good luck.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Then log the cookie at the beginning of the day.
  • ryanwood935
    ryanwood935 Posts: 245 Member
    Maybe your goal is just too steep right now. The tighter you squeeze, the more that slips through. Couldn't see your diary so it's just a guess. I know I started losing 2 pounds per week and the cravings were awful. Once I dropped to 1 pound, and eventually half a pound per week, the cravings definitely got fewer.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,804 Member

    I also have gotten on the scale and gained 5 pounds since Thursday, I weighed in the mornings both times, but my binge eating has really affected this.... Ugh!! Help!

    Impossible unless you ate 17500 calories over your TDEE, most likely water weight from sodium. drink extra water and flush out and you will be surprised. maybe add a few hundred extra calories to your day for treats, make a manageable goal. remember you need to eat the way you plan on eating for the rest of your life.
  • Kealihc
    I have had this problem in the past, so I get what you're going through! It's like I'm rebelling against the power of the number lol and if I am going to go over my calorie limit...then might as well make it worth it! But, that's a mind set I've had to falls under the same category of always waiting till "Monday" to start your diet, and going crazy with the junk if you eat one "bad" thing! I don't think you should stop, cause mfp can be so helpful! You just need to change your mindset! Good luck :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Okay, log in the morning. Put your snacks in so you don't run out of room. You did NOT gain 5 pounds in a couple of days, relax, its water. Finally, you are the only one that can control this, you are responsible. Walk, drink water, or just plain talk yourself down. It gets easier.
  • hortensehildegarde
    I agree it sounds stupid and I also can relate and have done it too! Lots of times!

    It is not happening as much presently because I set my goal less aggressive. Right now I do gain some pleasure from staying within goal so if I am going over I also have an inclination say f* it and stop paying attention altogether. So I did have to up my goal calories so it's easier to stay withing goal.

    But whoever said it's similar to the "I'll start on Monday" line of thinking and everyone who said it's about changing ways of thinking yes yes and double-yes. Long term success will depend on learning new habits, ways of thinking/dealing and learning to realize that every calorie does count so there IS a huge difference if you eat 1 extra cookie or 10.

    I will say though that even on those days when I said f* it I don't think I ate MORE than I would have had I not been logging at all. It probably was still less, albeit higher than I wanted it to be.
  • 1992mittens13
    1992mittens13 Posts: 65 Member
    That's how I got to 315 lbs by 21.

    Instead of 1, or 2,
    I eat 1 or 2 rows.
    Or all of them.

    I say screw it, Im already fat.
    And I use that as an excuse.

    Just don't let yourself.
    Tell youself you're better then that.
    And really, is an emotional rollercoaster worth the cookie?

    Is hours of feeling bad, and hard work worth some cookies?

    Learn, and move on. Mistakes happen. You're human.

    Give yourself a chore for the cookie.
    ie: 50 jumping jacks before eating each cookie..
    That made me just say screw it to having a cookie earlier.. haha! :)
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Give yourself a chore for the cookie.
    ie: 50 jumping jacks before eating each cookie..
    That made me just say screw it to having a cookie earlier.. haha! :)

    It's probably not a good idea to make yourself work for the ability to eat what you want. First of all, saying "If I do 50 jumping jacks then I can eat that cookie" is unlikely to actually benefit your weight loss attempts because the caloric expenditure of doing 50 jumping jacks is not going to even be NEAR the caloric value of the cookie you are about to eat.

    It could also lead to a poor relationship with food and/or exercise. Viewing exercise as something that is done as a chore instead of done for fun or for fitness or body composition. Viewing food as something that needs to be worked for instead of enjoyed for its flavour or for the energy it can give you.

    Much better to just understand how much food you need to eat and pre-log something you know you'd want to eat but that is calorically dense and you are worried you won't have the calories for. And not eating 1200 calories (i.e. being smart about your deficit).
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    I'm quite aware of the pattern...I did it when I was wanting to quit smoking. The more I thought about quitting, the more I smoked.
    A very supportive quit-coach talked to me about it. He called it "junkie thinking". It's a very common thinking pattern for anyone dealing with addictions- be it tobacco, drugs, alcohol, or even food.
    What I was taught was that all cravings are only temporary. I learned to wait out a craving and low and behold they do pass. Then in time they get less intense. Then they get less frequent.

    I try to do the same thing now with my eating. I make better choices after waiting out a craving. I have one scoop of ice cream even though I'd love to have 6 (covered in Hershey's syrup). Now after several months of logging my food it is rare that I feel an overwhelming desire to binge on unhealthy choices. If I just have to have something- I have it, and log it and go on.

    You have to WANT to do this.
  • PurrlyGirl
    PurrlyGirl Posts: 59 Member
    You gotta make room for some things in your intake. I have some sort of sweet treat pretty much every day. Sometimes several times a day. Binging is one of the reasons I don't let myself ever ever ever go over my calorie budget. It's 1600, no matter what. If I want to fill that with a few cookies and go to bed hungry, then that's what I do. Because I do it this way, it's never about "I can't have that", it's about "Well, I'd honestly rather only have a little bit and spend the rest of my calories on something filling". I eat whatever I want. But I force myself to log it before hand and see if it's worth the (calorie) price.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    You gotta make room for some things in your intake. I have some sort of sweet treat pretty much every day. Sometimes several times a day. Binging is one of the reasons I don't let myself ever ever ever go over my calorie budget. It's 1600, no matter what. If I want to fill that with a few cookies and go to bed hungry, then that's what I do. Because I do it this way, it's never about "I can't have that", it's about "Well, I'd honestly rather only have a little bit and spend the rest of my calories on something filling". I eat whatever I want. But I force myself to log it before hand and see if it's worth the (calorie) price.

    Check out to calculate your estimated maintenance needs without exercise - 1600 is FAR too low. I'm 170lbs and I'm netting 1850, so I eat more when I exercise. Been losing weight just fine. You're heavier than me, chances are you can eat at least 1800 as well to net. Actually, 2500 could possibly work as a starting point, although estimates closer to 2300. I'd start higher though so you can adjust lower as needed and thus lose weight on as much food as possible.
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I just tell myself that if I eat anything over my calories then I will gain my weight back and that thought is absolutely terrifying to me. If I do eat outside of my limit then I will exercise hard right after to make up for it and make sure I am under the next day.