The Rut

So we've all been here before right? The dreaded rut! I wanted to reach out to each and every one of you and tell you that it's OK. We all fall off our horse every now and then. I am actually in the process of picking myself back up off the ground and getting back on. I am 41, married and a father of 3 oh and did I mention that I'm getting ready to retire from the military? You could say that I'm a bit stressed right now.

I was in the best shape back in December of 2013/February 2014. I run, cycle, and incorporate crossfit exercises in my routine. I was a lean 189 lbs and felt great! Well life caught up to me pretty damn fast and I started to consume a lot of crap that I really didn't need to. I was faithfully logging in on MFP and then got lazy and said screw it! I have paid a serious penalty for it though. Iv'e ballooned up to 204 lbs and have regretted every minute of it.

So what right? NO... So with all the guilt, shame and frustration also comes hope. I remember and my body remembers what it takes to be a great athlete and what I need to do to get back on track. Guess what?? So do you!

You will encounter times like this in your training and logging. I beat myself up about it way too bad and just realize that I have to shut up and just do it! I love fitness and love talking with others about it! My problem is/was that I let stress get the better of me with a few life events that have transpired and I dealt with it in all the wrong ways possible. Don't let this happen to you! Find positive outlets to deal with your stress and life changing events.They don't stop and you will likely have more so just be cognizant of who and what't around you and try to anticipate as much as possible. The next time you get stressed, go for a light run or a brisk walk instead of grabbing for the chocolate or a cheeseburger.

All of you... WE are all worth it! We all have many loved ones that we need to be around for. But, we need to be healthy for ourselves first before we can be anything for anyone else. You can do it, it's in you... Let NOTHING stand in your way!

Friend me if you want. We all need help, you shouldn't have to do this alone.

A huge CONGRATS and a pat on the back of all of you that make a conscious effort every day to make a better version of you!!

Talk to you all later!
