Recent Pregnancy and Dieting Questions...

Today we found out that im pregnant! YAY (four weeks along :) ) Ive been trying to lose weight to get under my BMI of 160 and im currently 175 (ive been gaining and losing the same three pounds all month!) I just saw my primary care physician today and not the ob/gyn and he said to stop cutting my calories but to eat "normal" till I can go see the ob/gyn. So im wondering ..whats normal?! I just changed my goals on here to "maintain weight" and it gave me about 700 extra calories!! Im nervous about doing that! Should I just do that? This is our first child and weve been trying for some time now to conceive so im worried? I dont want to gain alot of extra weight during this pregnancy but I do want the baby to be healthy so any pointers on the diet/calories part would be great!


  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Well, typically around week 6, morning sickness or some form of it will set in and you won't want to eat anything. If I were you, I would increase my calorie intake 100-200 HEALTHY calories a week until you start to see stable numbers on the scale. Even pregnant, you will see the number start to stabalize. It's very important to keep exercising but it's even more important to listen to you body. Typically when I get pregnant, before I even find out, I gain 10 lbs and hold on to it. I then proceed to gain a bunch of weight in the first trimester, no weight in the second and I lose weight in the third. So my body has it all backwards. With this pregnancy, I'm trying to keep things more even - whatever that it.

    Congrats on your little bean! Have a happy healthy pregnancy!!!
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    700 extra calories is a lot...and you don't need that many extra right now. I'm not a doctor, but adding a few hundred extra healthy calories would be good!! Especially if you don't want to gain any extra weight while you're pregnant, you don't want to over do it---and remember you are NOT eating for 2!! :)
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    700 calories is about 1.5 pound loss per week (just under). By eliminiating that deficit, you should maintain. It may sound like a lot, but that's what you had your setting set as before. I would go with what your dr said and not cut calories.

    They say that you should be fine to continue activities as you have been doing them.

    All people and all pregnancies are different so just listen to your body.
