Join Team Unstoppable

Are you ready to take your fitness seriously? Are you tired of starting and stopping? Lack motivation? Are you ready to reach your goals?

Team Unstoppable is based on three foundations: building solid relationships, fitness education, and community. Each member of Team Unstoppable matters and will be held accountable to the other team members. Each team member will engage with the group and share their struggles, successes, goals, and fitness journey. Team Unstoppable is built on motivation, encouragement, trust, accountability, and support.

Our motto: Never Give Up

Join us to reach your goals. All are welcome! We are ordinary people who will accomplish extraordinary things. Don't be shy, just commit and join us!

We are a MFP group, just search for Team Unstoppable.


  • Dustinsteven22
    Dustinsteven22 Posts: 280 Member
    This group is growing fast! If you are new to the fitness/nutrition world or a veteran, please join! You will find a the support, encouragement, advice you need to keep you on track. the most important part is that you engage in the discussion. Bring your positive attitude and a willingness to be honest and share your story.

    Never give up

  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    bump for maybe
  • Dustinsteven22
    Dustinsteven22 Posts: 280 Member
    There is no magic pill or workout. There is no "drop 10 lbs this weekend." There is no spell or magic plant.

    Here is the secret to reaching your goals:

    -hard work, it's in the details
    -nutrition, yes kale can taste great
    -community, you need a positive environment

    The odds are against you already. So don't compromise your health to drop weight fast. Stop trying to do this alone and join our team. No more excuses, no more "I can't", no more "I'm tired", enough is enough!!

    You are better than that!!

    We don't strive for perfection, we strive for progress. Fitness is a marathon, not a sprint.

    If not now, when?