Starting a fresh (carb cycling)

I have been yo yoinng for the past 4 yrs my mum had a fall , and the shock of the fall brought on dementia, life as we new it changed, between hospital visits, my fulltime job and my children i was finding no time to eat, and when i did it was on the run, when the hospital had done all they could to help mum she came home to live with me, Wow i never imagined how hard it would be, the pain in watching someone waste away to nothing not knowing who you are, mum passed away on the 18th September and the last 10 days have been a blurr, food had become my best friend and i turned to it more and more, i am now 5st over weight. So now mum is at peace its time for me to sort myself out mind body & soul.

I have brought Chris Powell's Carb Cycling Book and have read it from cover to cover 3 times so am ready to begin this journey, and hopefully get myself back to a healthy active women i can love when i look in the mirror.
Are there any of you doing carb cycling? that would like to share journeys tips etc or others that would like to motivate and be supported back on our journeys?


  • ElliieMental
    Hi, yes I've decided to give it a try from this week too as I love low carb living but I really miss being able to exercise like a crazy person so I think this will be good for my needs.

    Not sure how I am going to work the plan into my MFP diary though yet to be honest - without changing the goals each and every day :huh:
  • FionaHelen
    FionaHelen Posts: 113 Member
    yes i have been looking at this blankly trying to work that out, i guess the most important thing is the diary so we track what we are having! Hopefully someone that is already doing it will have some ideas, can i send you a friend request?
  • ElliieMental
    Thanks for the request. Hopefully someone can offer us some advice on the food diary thing!!!