Fat and Friendless!



  • milbrymoore
    Like you I need to lose 30-40 pounds. This is my first day on the program. I am a retired registered nurse. One thing I know for sure, exercise is the key to losing or not gaining. I spend a few days in Miami before Christmas, ate all I wanted including ice cream twice a day; walked for hours every day and did not gain an ounce. That proved to me the importance of exercise. I have become lazy since retirement. I vow to eat less and eat more in the new year.
  • curvymonkey
    Just when I thought I was getting better, a friend took a picture of me during the New Year's Eve party and I nearly cried. I was bulging everywhere. How hideous! So yeah, I feel your pain.

    You're not alone so whenever you need support, give us a holler. That's what we're here for. :)
  • Katz85340
    Katz85340 Posts: 206 Member
    I know how you feel. I loved chocolate and any type of carbohydrate! I also have been known to binge on cake and pie! The more cream the better. Sigh! I'm glad those days are gone. It's also true, the longer you're away from your weakness (in your case, chocolate), the less you crave it.

    I started out on this site eating whatever I wanted as long as I logged the food and stayed at or under the calories designated to me by MFP. I set a small goal of 1lb. of weight loss per week. As I continued on, I started seeing the weight drop off. The more weight I lost, the more motivated I got. Eventually, I slowly reduced the amount of sugar and fat in my diet, choosing healthy substitutes. I began drinking more fluids, especially sugar-free options. I decided I'd rather eat my calories than to drink them, so I stopped drinking sodas and other high calorie beverages and opted for things like Crystal Light, diet sodas, sugar-free flavored waters, decaf coffee with sugar-free creamer, regular water, and so on. I lost even more weight.

    Since chocolate is your craving, try sugar-free chocolates, sugar-free fudge frozen bars, sugar-free hot cocoa, etc. They are very good, depending on the brand. Sugar-free hot cocoa can be satisfying and relaxing since I believe your cravings are stress related and not hunger related. Most important, log everything...even if you go over. Eventually, you will see where you should cut back on the sugars. Really pay attention to your nutritional information. You'd be surprised how much you'll go over on sugar, cholesterol, fats, etc. I was! Now I'm really conscientious. I, like others have become obsessed about logging my foods and beverages; something I never thought I would do or say.

    The MFP community is very supportive and you have come to the right place! I look forward to helping you as much as possible. Welcome to MFP!
  • CaptainSmedley
    There were two things that got me started working out seven years ago. The first was the fact that my Dr. told me that I would probably die and never see my three daughters get married. My cholesterol was one of the highest he had ever seen as was my blood pressure. I had also made two trips to the ER with chest pains.

    The second thing that got me started was looking at pictures of myself. All I could ever see was stomach. I absolutely hated having my picture taken.

    What I did was focus that anger towards the machines in the gym. I created a log of each excercise and made it my goal to do one more push-up or burn five more calories each day I went. I went to the gym alone so as not to get distracted by idle chit chat and just focused on beating the machines. Too many use this as a social outlet at the expense of results. You also need to watch very closely what you eat. This software is really helpful in that regard. I eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch every day with wery small variations so it is all measured and easy to stick with.

    Believe me I hated it at first and really struggled to keep pushing. The log and my anger to never see another fat picture of myself kept me going . After seven years I have lost 80 pounds and have 5 more to go which does not include the extra six I just put on over the holiday.

    You can do this! It just takes a little focus and keep reminding yourself why.

    You have already taken the first step. Good Luck!!
  • LaVerne2008
    we are all here for you! i know hwat it's like to be in denial about all of it...it's tough, but we can all get through it! welcome to MFP! the first step is deciding to change and you've done that by joining MFP! good luck in your progress!
  • mezmez73