Hello All

New member here, starting what I know is going to be a long journey. I have never been one for diets and never really paid much attention to what I eat, the result being excess weight and practically zero nutritional knowledge!
Oh and I happen to have a boyfriend who can happily eat enough to fuel a family of 4, which means neither of us have much awareness of portion control! However fortunately for him is one of the blessed that doesnt seem to gain weight.
More than happy to hear hints and tips ideas, particularly when it comes to meal ideas. Both myself and my partner work shifts so easy to prepare or quick meals are always a winner after a long day. That being said we are both pretty good in the kitchen so once we have a few more decent recipes to work with it'll be a bit easier.


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Welcome to the journey. Add me if you need friends!
  • bkcuti3
    bkcuti3 Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I also have big problem with over-eating but a HUGE help was eating in smaller plates. It really tricks you into thinking you're eating more sine we tend to full our plates and eat all of it. If you still hungry can always go back for seconds. Also, people sometimes think they're hungry when they're actually thirsty so I carry a 24 oz water bottle with me so I can easily take a sip before I get up to eat to make sure I'm actually hungry.
    My go to recipe is chicken breast and spinach, its delicious and very fulling. I eat it alone now but you can add some rice to it if you'd like. Feel free to add me if you want and good luck! :D