8 years on, have it ruined my metabolism?

Hi guys,

Iv come to these message boards in desperation, frustration and in need of inspiration. A bit of background on me. I'm 5,2 25 years old 149 pounds, muscular build (anyone I tell I'm this weight to doesn't believe me, hence I know a lot of it is muscle weight)

I have been on a weight loss journey since I was 17 (when I lost over 3 stone on weight watchers down to my lowest ever weight 8'11). Since then my weight has fluctuated up to where I am now. I am very into exercise and healthy eating and I am know more determined than ever to get in shape. However I know there's no point focusing too much on the scale when I'm lifting heavy and trying to tone up and lose the flab that stops my muscles from showing through!

But what it comes down to is that I think I have ruined my metabolism by all the yoyo dieting, for the last month I kept to a strict diet and exercise plan, lost only 2/3 pounds, lost inches in one place but put them on elsewhere. The exercise and dieting I was doing I feel should have had far greater effect. I'm getting tested for thyroid problems to see if this is maybe the issue.

Tomorrow I'm changing it up a bit, instead of eating 1500 calories a day I'm going to try the 5:2 plan, 500 a day and even tho my TDEE is around 2100, going to aim for 1800-2000 on 5 days of clean food. HOWEVER I am worried my body being so used to diets will see this extra food and hold on to it, meaning there will be no point in attempting this sort of plan.

I know you're supposed to eat your calories to lose weight but has ANYONE had a similar situation where your body/mind is so used to eating low cal that it will just never work if you eat more. I suppose what I'm doing at the moment isn't working so why keep going at something, changing it up I'm hoping will be the answer.

If anyone has any tips/advice or a similar story I would greatly appreciate it. My overall aim in this is to develop on my already muscular physique lift heavy and get strong while loosing the fat (and cellulite) that gets in my way!

Thanks in advance :) H