Hello there!

Hi folks! MY name is Zara, I'm 26 years old and I live in Central Scotland.

My weight has creeped up and up since I was about 18. Unfortunately, my job isn't a very physically demanding one, and I work in the high street where there is literally NO healthy options for eating. So my weight is starting to get me down!

I want 2011 to be MY year. I only have 35lbs to lose, and seeing so many of you on here who have already lost that and more is so inspiring! I hope this is my last 'weigh-loss' ever and that I can find a happy medium between healthy eating and exercise.

I also have a 'fitblr' at http://zaragetssmaller.tumblr.com/ :)


  • bienlunee
    bienlunee Posts: 10 Member
    Good luck! You can totally do it! I love this site; all the people I've "met" today are super supportive and it really is inspirational to see those who have lost quite a bit already! Take care and keep it up!!
  • sapphirelazuli
    Thanks for the reply! :) The site looks great so far. Can't wait to get stuck in and lose some pounds!
  • kris2683
    kris2683 Posts: 41 Member
    Hello Zara, I wish you success on your journey! Feel free to add me as a friend:smile: